CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE: Acceptance and Denial

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Niji and Yonji were sent out on a mission before I had the chance to properly speak to either of them.

I worried for their wellbeing. I already knew Yonji was barely coping with the things he was forced to do, and I had a strong suspicion that Niji wasn't fairing too well either.

There hadn't even been a chance for me to bid them farewell, either. By the time I had woken up the morning after sleeping in Niji's room, they had long gone.

A few days passed, and I kept myself busy with my cleaning work, for the most part. Laundry, dusting, scrubbing, but eventually I had been summoned by Vinsmoke Judge himself, having been ordered to the main hall.

When I arrived, I found that the table had been shifted off to the side, and both Ichiji and Reiju stood either side of their father, who looked down his nose at me when I entered.
"You belonged to a war lord, correct?"

I didn't belong to him...

"Yes, Your Majesty." I wasn't about to correct him, because I didn't exactly want to die then and there.
"Can you dance?" Somehow, I knew that if I answered wrong I'd be in for it, but i wasn't exactly able to give him the answer he wanted. I had danced before, but nothing that could be considered proper.

"I...uh, I am not formally trained, but I'm not terrible, Your Majesty..." I responded cautiously, nearly flinching when his eye ticked.
"Show me. Ichiji, do as you will."

Why is he asking me this? Why do I need to dance? What?

I stewed in my confusion as Ichiji approached me, bowing slightly and offering me his hand.
"Curtsey and accept." His whisper was low, just for my ears, and I appreciated the tip. Doing as I was told, I curtsied and accepted his hand, allowing him to pull me closer.
" would be an honour, Your Highness."

Ichiji's other hand found my waist, and I at least knew to place mine on his shoulder, having seen other women to the same in dance pairings. Reiju moved to sit atop the shifted table, and Judge took a single step back to view.

"Follow my lead. Count one two three, and you'll do well enough." Again, the red-haired Prince gave me instructions, then began to move. Putting my faith in him, I followed his steps, surprisingly not tripping over myself.

I had danced a similar dance with Sir Crocodile, once before, after he had received some good news about his plans. Twirling me around the room with his charming, lopsided grin, allowing me to stand upon his feet to keep up.

I smiled at the memory, then quickly realised I was being watched, eyelids shuttering quickly when Ichiji smirked as we moved about the floor.
"You have good rhythm. Unusual for someone who says they have no experience." He complimented, giving my waist a slight squeeze.

He's a good dancer...

It felt effortless, letting him dance me around the room. I hadn't expected him to be even half decent, but maybe it was because he had been trained in other styles of movement. Namely precise assassination. That could have been it.

I was hyper aware of Judge, well, judging us, and Reiju too, but Ichiji shifted his head a little to block him from my wandering sights, tugging me just that little bit closer into his chest.
"Don't pay them any mind. It's just the two of us."

Wait...I haven't asked him about that dropper snail...have I..?

If Niji had been onto something, why would Ichiji have hidden it in my dresser? Why would he want to listen in on me? Was he just trying to catch me in the act of helping his brothers process their new emotions so he could rat me out?

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