Chapter 5

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"Goodbye then" Phil smiles.

"Bye" I breath.

We awkwardly smile at each other, not wanting a repeat of our greeting. Phil goes to shake my hand but for some reason I go to fist bump him. When have I ever tried to fist bump someone? We do some kind of weird fist/hand slap.

"See you soon?" He asks.

"Of course" I nod.

As Phil turns to go back to the station I want to run up to him and tell him not to go, but I obviously can't. He has nowhere to stay. I turn around and start walking to my house. My phone goes off. 'Miss you already' I read, and can't help but smile.

'Miss you too :P' I send back.


I get my rubbish little camera out of my drawer beside my bed. I don't know if it even works anymore. I sit it on a pile of school books and start recording.

"Hello Internet, my name is-" I motion to the centre of the screen, I'll add my name in later "-Dan"


I post the video to YouTube and wait for any responses. There are none. After 3 hours of waiting, bored, there still aren't any. 1 view and no feedback. I give up and sit my laptop beside me before falling asleep, a blue eyed man filling my dreams.

[AN// I'M SORRY. SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY!! I didn't upload yesterday because I went out, then I read after. Also I have reallyyyyyy bad writers block, as you can see from this rubbish chapter. Let's hope it improves next time. I'm back to school today, so I'll write while I'm bored in classes. Thanks guys :3 x (61 reads so far!) ]

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