[Dan's POV]
"So which way?" I ask, looking up and down the street.
"Left" Phil answers, pointing that way.
We walk down the perfect street before we get to the shopping centre. There's a big group of teenagers about my age hanging around by the door. They're all quite intimidating.
"Isn't there another entrance?" I mutter to Phil.
"No, come on Dan" he tries to walk around the group.
"Who's this?" A curly haired boy asks.
"I'm Phil, can you move a little so that we can get past?" He sounds generally nice and innocent.
"Awh look at this Chris" he laughs, and a dark haired boy steps forward.
"So innocent, should we let him past Peej?" Chris says sarcastically.
"Of course, here you go Phil" 'Peej' starts "and your boyfriend can follow" he smirks. The group behind him laugh.
"I'm not his boyfriend" that came out weaker then I intended.
"You sure? You two suit each other, emo and hobbit" a guy in the back laughs.
"I just asked you to move!" Phil is going red.
"Woah there, sorry, I forgot how gay little boys can get" Chris gives him the most sarcastic smile ever.
"I SAID I'M NOT GAY!" Phil shouts, but I swear I saw him wink at me.
"Phil, let's go.." I mutter.
"Weak as well I see" Peej laughs.
[Phil's POV]
"Weak as well I see"
That's enough, I can't stand to see people pick on Dan. I lung forward at 'Peej' and knock him to the floor.
"WHAT THE-" his voice is cut off as I wrap my hands around his throat.
"Help!" He tries to say, but it comes out as nearly a whisper. He frantically tries to bring his arms up to get me off. When his face is completely red I let go and put my face above his.
"Don't you dare talk about Dan like that" I hiss.
"Phil.. Stop"
"Yeah Phil, stop it, your boyfriend's jealous" he smirks.
How dare he.
HeMy fist connects with his jaw in an instant and his face is thrown sideways. Peej screams and I feel the urge to hit him again. I'm seeing red, and his screams are coaxing me on.
"Please stop" I look up and Dan is about to cry.
"I'm sorry" I mutter, climbing off of Peej's lifeless body.
"That was epic" a ginger starts clapping.
"Well done" Chris tries to pat me on the back but I glare at him with my worst look so he backs away. I see a security guard running towards us, so I know we need to get out of here, now. Not only because I could get arrested, but because I could end up killing him.
"Come on Dan" I snap and we climb over Peej, who's now rubbing his jaw, and leave.
[A/N that's the best chapter I've ever written omg

cat whiskers // phan.
Fanfiction"you can't love someone you met online!" © ScreamingSirens 2015