chapter 22: Josh vs. Mercury

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A/N: Josh's true Semblance will activate.

-In town, Mount Blanc café-
A group of friends had gathered to watch the finals, a couple of them were faunus and were curious about the announcement done by the first order surpreme commander.

Fox faunus: I wonder why the surpreme commander automatically declared Yang the victor of a one on one fights for?

Brown haired girl: something about seems off.

Futaba: Atalante did say about having the Sapphire Fang to help the first order with security around the finals, Makoto.

Makoto: I've heard that both of the Sapphire Fang and the white fang are gearing up for war between each other if the white fang doesn't stop what they're doing.

Blonde: so might I ask why you wanted us to bring our weapons, Boss?

Futaba: best be ready for anything, Ryuji.

Sojiro puts on the television for the first of the final matchs while they continue to chat.

-Amity Arena Colosseum-
While the other combatants left the arena, Pyrrha gives Josh a kiss for good luck. He turns to see Mercury as they prepare for the match.

Mercury: don't expect me to go easy on you.

Josh didn't say anything as the count down had finished. The two boys had started their match.

(Replace Yang with her brother)

After the match had finished, Josh was about to leave the arena when Mercury got back on to his feet. He knew what he had to do. Mercury sneak up behind Josh only to be caught by being grabbed by his 'leg'. Josh threw him to the ground forcing Mercury to cough up some saliva.

Port: MY Word!

Oobleck: cut th-

S/C Leonhart: no.

Port: what?

S/C Leonhart: keep the cameras rolling. There's a reason why Josh is Mercury's opponent.

The professor and his companion agree to keep them rolling. Back in the arena, Josh had approached the downed Mercury, darkly. Causing him to panic.

Mercury: g-get away from me!

Near the arena entrance, Atlesian troops were trying to get to the arena but they were stopped by some soldiers of the First Order. In the arena, Josh had grabbed one of Mercury's pants legs and torn it off, revealing a cybernetic leg causing the crowd to gasp in shock.

Josh: thought as much. (Presses a hidden comm) I've found out why Pyrrha had made the victor during class.

He turns to a camera and made a speech about reminding the rules for the tournament and reveals that Ironwood has ignored the council's orders for not having Atlas as security.

-Ozpin's tower-

While listening to Josh, Ozpin and Qrow were furious to hear that Ironwood didn't listen to the council.

Qrow: Oz?

Ozpin: get James, Qrow.

-Amity Arena stands-

Cinder was getting more and more furious when she had her plan falling apart due to her brother. Then she felt something strange.

-commentary box-
The surpreme commander received a message from her chief medical officer indicating that the fall maiden has awaken. She immediately left the arena as her troops had arrived at the arena's match box.

F/O soldier: Mercury Black. By the order of the surpreme commander: you and your team are disqualified for cheating!

They escorted Mercury out of the arena.

The next chapter: trust issues

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