chapter 26: the battle of Beacon and Vale (part 2)

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Atalante rushed over to Ashe and a recovering Weiss. She found out that her sister had been chasing an alpha. Atalante followed her sister's path towards the cafeteria but she didn't realise that her sister's team partner was following her.


Adam and blake are locked in combat

Adam: your not running away again, are you?

Blake: what are you doing? I've never wanted this, I wanted peace and equality

Adam: what you want is nothing but a pipe dream!

Then Adam knocks Blake over

Blake: no please.

Adam: i'm going to make you suffer just as I have from your betrayal.

As he stabs Blake causing her to scream in pain. Hearing her sister's scream, Atalante was super angry and fired her weapon at Adam.

Adam: huh?!

Atalante: stay away from my sister, Taurus!

Converting Artemis Origin into its sword form, Atalante had charged the bull faunus with such strength. Unable to keep up with her strikes, Adam was knocked off his feet.

-Near Beacon tower-
A first order officer had informed Orson that Ozpin has found out that Amber isn't in the vault. Orson knew that it was only a matter of time till then. He ordered his personal guards to help the students as he heads to the vault.


Ozpin, Pyrrha and Jaune are running towards the aura transfer machine in hopes of transferring Amber's maiden power. Upon arriving at the machine, Ozpin was shocked to find that it's empty.

Pyrrha: where is she, Professor?

Ozpin: I don't know. (Hits the machine) damn it!

Then they heard the elevator ping at the other end of the vault and was revealing that Orson had arrived and wasn't happy.

Orson: (walking towards the trio) I knew that you won't listen to reason, Ozpin. You should've known that the fall maiden and myself had been friends for sometime now. But after hearing that she was injured by my daughter, I've made it my personal mission to protect her from the likes of you.

Ozpin: where is she, Orson?

Orson: so you would kill her if I told you? Fat chance of that!

Ozpin: we don't have time for a debate, Krennic! I won't have the risk of Salem winning the war!

Orson: YOUR war. I don't want to see these kids to get killed in an impossible war against an immortal!

Ozpin asked Pyrrha and Jaune to leave and they did as the two men stare at each other. With a swift reflex, Orson had drew his weapon as Ozpin flips his cane.


With Goodwitch and Qrow were busy fighting against the hacked Atlesian robots and grimm. Emerald had found Mercury and Cinder.

Cinder: ah, Emerald. I was wondering where you were.

Emerald: I'm going to ask you to call off the attack, Cinder.

Cinder: What?

Emerald drew her weapons as she repeated herself. Only to see that Cinder laughed about her request and refused.

Cinder: take care of this traitor, Mercury.

Mercury: it would be my pleasure.

Cinder went off to Beacon academy in hopes of finding Amber to steal the rest of her powers. The two former allies face off each other.

Mercury: I don't understand, Emerald. We are making history of Ramment. Why did you have to turn against us for?

Emerald: I have a family to get back to, Mercury. And I'll be damned to see them perish if I stay with Salem. She'll bring the end of Ramment if she gets all four relics!

The two former friends clash in the streets of the city.

-Beacon academy, Cafeteria-
Atalante had been keeping Adam on the defensive. She kicks him straight through a wall.

Adam: (spits out blood) damn it. Atalante has gotten stronger since she and her cowardly parents left the white fang. Guess that I have to use my semblance to eliminate her.

He charges up his semblance but thanks to her own semblance, Atalante knew what was coming and instantly teleport herself and her injured sister to safety. But before she could, Adam had managed to give Atalante a very nasty scar that went in a diagonal.

The next chapter: friends and family turn foes (Vale arc finale)

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