Black Wolf

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TITLE: Black Wolf

AUTHOR: Ami_Pondkin


LAST UPDATED: 17 January 2022


• taekook
• sub bottom tae and dom top jk
• stripper tae and mob boss jk
• heavy angst, smut and fluff
• slow burn

• gangsters
• gun violence
• crime
• blood and gore
• abduction / kidnapping
• torture
• minor character death
• drug use / drug dealing
• stockholm syndrome

• self esteem issues
• self acceptance

• mutilation

• voyeurism
• bondage
• forced prostitution
explicit sexual content


The boy's body contorted and rolled in time with the low drone of the thumping beat. His sweat sparkled under the assortment of bright spotlights giving him an ethereal glow as he rolled his hips and winked at the audience. A long slender finger traced down his thigh to his calf before dipping his torso down and spinning around, in this new position the audience were gifted the perfect view of the perfectly sculpted mounds clad in the tightest booty shorts Jeongguk had ever seen; they gripped his cheeks leaving nothing to the imagination and showed just enough flesh to keep onlookers wanting more.

 A long slender finger traced down his thigh to his calf before dipping his torso down and spinning around, in this new position the audience were gifted the perfect view of the perfectly sculpted mounds clad in the tightest booty shorts Jeongguk ...

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