Lost In The Stars Of Your Eyes

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TITLE: Lost in the Stars of Your Eyes

AUTHOR: orphan_account


LAST UPDATED: 11 November 2019


• taekook
• bottom tae and top jk
• demon jk and angel tae
• college/university
• angst, smut and fluff
• slow burn

explicit sexual content


And his eyes were like Jungkook had never seen before-he had seen them, but not like this, with that many colors-pupils blown black with dazzling bits of metallic silver and gold swimming in them, speckles of red, green, blue, and every color imaginable focusing into view the longer he stared. It was like he held the whole universe in those two eyes.

Or: college au where Jungkook is part demon, Taehyung is part angel, and through trial and error, they make something beautiful.

Or: college au where Jungkook is part demon, Taehyung is part angel, and through trial and error, they make something beautiful

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