What Am I To You?

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TITLE: what am i to you?

AUTHOR: Moon_fairies


LAST UPDATED: 26 May 2022


• taekook
• bottom tae and top jk
• alpha jk and omega tae
• angst and smut
• college/university
• playboy jk

• implied/referenced abuse
• implied/referenced sexual assault

bp tae (don't like it don't read it)


“You really don’t know what you are?”

“I know what you are, a great pain in my ass.”


Taehyung's life is flipped upside down one night as he learns he's a descendant of wolves, an omega at that. to make matters worse, he's sought after for his fertility by other wolves since omegas are more rare than ever.

To make things even worse, he's imprinted on his alpha class mate, resident playboy, Jeon Jungkook, who he absolutely can't stand.

To make things even worse, he's imprinted on his alpha class mate, resident playboy, Jeon Jungkook, who he absolutely can't stand

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