The Bleeding Heart Of The Sea

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TITLE: The Bleeding Heart Of The Sea

AUTHOR: goldiminie


LAST UPDATED: 16 April 2022


• taekook
• bottom tae and top jk
• alpha jk and omega tae
• crown prince jk and pirate tae
• fluff, angst and smut
• slow burn, slow build and humor
• historical
• enemies to lovers
• tae is shit
• brat jk
• jk is bad at feelings
• mythical creature

• violence
• implied/refrenced non con
• minor character death
• sexist language


Jeongguk's back collides with something sturdy, hot heat seeping into his backside as the pounding of something echoes against his ribcage from behind. It's not the hard wooden planks of the ship, it's- Jeongguk pales.

A heartbeat. Someone's chest.

Not even a second later, the prince feels the cold blade of a knife being pressed into his throat. Not slashing, not drawing anymore crimson blood, not even moving a millimetre. Simply holding him in place.

"Now who do we have here?"


Or the one where alpha crown prince Jeongguk gets saved (kidnapped?) by omega pirate captain Taehyung and is forced to live with his crew if he wishes to ever get back to the royal palaces in one piece. He's determined not to let the savages tarnish his regal image, but the longer he stays on sea the more he realises everything is not as black and white as it seems.
Going back home becomes less and less appealing if it means leaving behind the crew, and the pretty captain who messes with his head... and his heart.

 and his heart

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