Skin Deep

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~Chapter Twenty-Two~

Kimi's P.O.V

I made my way out the door and locked it as I left, I knew I was going to have to search the whole village... well at least the forest parts. I started running from street to street trying to find my way to where Naruto should be. 'I knew I shouldn't have left him alone, I should have made him come with us.. How could I have been so stupid.' I turned left into an ally and heard footsteps on the rooftop above me. I didnt know who they were but I could hear some of their conversation.

"How can nobody find this kid?! He's not even a gennin, it shouldn't be that hard.."

"I herd that he was the kid that painted the Hokages' faces and it took them almost a half-hour to find him, in daylight.."

"Whatever, this Naruto kid is cutting into my sleep where are the other search parties at?"

"There are two in the village and the rest are searching the West and South forests but haven't made much progress."

"Fine we'll search the North part." 'So I'll check the East forest..' I hid in the shadows and waited for them to jump away so I could find Naruto. As I was about to walk out and on to the street when I saw Misuki-sensei run by. I glared at his back as I ran after him, hiding my chakra and keeping a safe distance away so he wouldn't notice my presence.'Where the hell is he going?'


I followed Misuki into the forest, jumping from tree to tree, but soon lost sight of him. I jumped down to the ground to see if I could track him, but as soon as I steped on to the grassy floor I was pushed up against a tree. On impact my eyes squeezed shut, slowly I squinted my left eye open to see who it was that pushed me up a gainst a damn tree when Naruto needs me!

"Why are you out here?!" Sasuke glared at me.

"That's funny, cause I was gonna ask you the same damn thing!" I pushed him off of me and started to look around to see if he gave me away. I couldn't hear anything bu-

"Answer me Ki-" I spun around and clamped a hand over his big mouth. I placed my finger on my mouth to show him to shut the fuck up.

"Shhhhhhh..!" He glared at me as I moved away from him. I started to search the ground for any footprints Misuki could have left behind, but luck was not on my side. There was nothing that could tell me were Misuki went.

"Damn it!" I sat down to the ground and got out my pack a cigarettes, pulling one out and lighting it. Sasuke slapped it out of my hand and smashed it on the ground with his foot. I jumped up and got in his face as he glared at me.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I glared right back at him.

"Tell me why you were out here running."

"Why do you care, how did you even know I was out here.." He looked away from me for a split second and thats when I knew. "YOU were the one following me!" His face turned to stone when I accused him.

"I don't know what your talking about, you're not worth my time." He started to walk away from me and back to the village. I laughed and folded my arms.

"Then why are you here?" I smirked as his body stiffened at my words. He glared back at me and was about to say something but our little argument was interrupted as we herd a scream.


"What are you talking about Kimi?" I paid no attention to Sasuke as I tried to pinpoint where the scream came from.

"He's the reason why I'm out here Sasuke.. I have to find him, he's my friend."

"Hn.." I started to walk further into the woods. I had thought Sasuke had gone back to the village untill I herd him fall in step with me. I looked up to see that he was looking everywhere but at me.

"Uhh.. Sasuke?"


"Why..Why are you coming with me..?" He had no time to answer my question as we heard someone yelling, it sounded so familiar. Sasuke and I jumped up into the trees and frantically made our way towards the voices. I stopped on a branch when I felt the familiar presence of Mizuki but there were two others with him, but we couldn't see any of them.. I had no idea if they were working with him or not. I motioned for Sasuke to move slowly behind me as I landed onto the grass. I slowly made my way towards the bushes. Iruka-sensei was up against the wall... he pulled a kuni out of his leg and Naruto was on the ground looking from Iruka to the trees.

"Naruto don't let Mizuki get to scroll, it contains forbidden jutsu that could put this village in grave danger. Mizuki used you to get the scroll for himself, for his own power!" 'Iruka-sensei?' I stoped so that the bushes were still hiding us. I moved some branches so I wss able to see where Mizuki was, that bastard was standing on a branch with a damn smerk on his face.

"Naruto, Iruka is just trying to scare you cause he doesn't want you to have to scroll" It looked like Naruto was starting to believe him.

"Stop lying Mizuki! Don't let him trick you Naruto." I watched as the dirt-bag laughed hysterically.

"Oh I'll tell you who's really lying."

"No Mizuki!"

"They've been lying to you your whole life Naruto, since the decree 12 years ago"

"What decree..?"

"Everyone knows except you, Iruka is trying to hide it from you even now, he would do anything to shut me up."

"What is this decree, why does everyone else know about it?"

"Don't tell him, it's forbidden!!"

"The decree is that no one can tell you that the nine tailed fox is inside of you!" 'What?! What is he talking about?' "The Fox spirit that killed Iruka's parents and destroyed our village has taken over your body, you are the nine tailed fox!"

"Stop it!"

"They all been sneaking around hiding things from you your whole life! Didn't you think it was strange how they treated you, like dirt! Like they heated you for just being alive!?"

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" Naruto's chakra was increasing incredibly fast.


"That is why you will never be accepted in this village, even your beloved sensei hates your guts!" Mizuki grabed a large shuriken and threw it.


"N-naruto!" I was about to run out to help him but was pulled back. I shoved Sasuke out of the way and glared at him.

"Stay out of my way Sasuke!" I looked back to find that Iruka had taken my place in the vision and was over Naruto with the shuriken in his back.

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