Showing Up The Show Off

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~Chapter Fifteen~

Kimi's POV

My smerk fell as the adrenalin kicked in. Sasuke was the first to move as he jolted toward me, I took a deep breath, then ran at him. Just before we collided, I jumped over him. As I landed behind him, his eyes never leaving me, he turned around and dodged my right hook but didn't sence my left fist coming up on his chin. He took a step back as it dawned on him that I actually hit him. He growled and aimed a punch for my ribs, I jumped back.

"What's the matter Sasuke, you mad?" He glared at me as I giggled and if looks could kill, I'd be 6ft under. He ran at me, but he was unable to land a single hit on me as I easally dodged every punch. I could tell that his anger and frustration was getting the better of him by how his stance became less controled. I made my move as he took a slopy step forward, punching him in the chest three times then landing a right jab to his jaw. I soon went from defence to offence as I assaulted his body with my fist. he blocked a few of my punches as he tried to back out of range. I quickly brought my foot up to connect with the side of his face. He cought his falling body and jumped away from me, panting for air. He steadied his breathing as he stood straight.

"Is that all you've got Kimi?" He raised his eyebrow as I scowled at his arrogance.

"You wouldn't be able to handle what I've got, Sasuke." I growled as I ran at him, Sasuke smerked and ran straight for me. I jumped up in the air and quickly moved my hands to perform a fire ball attack, I spit out five small balls. Sasuke dodged all but one, that graized his left calf. I landed on the ground and ran toward his semi-crippled body, landing punch after punch on any part of him that woesn't being covered by his diffence. I put a little bit of my chakra into my upper-cut, sending him flying up into the air. Sasuke landed on the ground, I smerked as he got up and glared at me. Sasuke ran at me, we punched and dodged at each other for at least five or six minuets. Sasuke jumped back, away from another one of my upper-cuts. We both waited for the other to move, with a growle he ran at me. I planted my left foot firmly on the ground, as he came closer I acted as tho I would have punched him with my left fist. Sasuke moved his head around my punch, with the momentum of my punch I twisted my body so both of my hands were on the ground as my right foot connected with Sasuke's face. Sending him up into the air and on to the ground yet again.

"S-sasuke! Oh no, Sasuke!" I stood up with my back toward them as I walked back to the tree I was lying under. I lent back against the tree as I watched Sasuke's fan girls croud around him, asking him if he was alright.


I looked to my left, then to my right, no one was there. I shruged as I put my head back against the tree.

"Pisssssssstt...." I opened one eye and saw Kai-Kai hanging upside down in the branches above me, smiling. I smiled back and was about to ask why he was here but he quickly put his finger to him masked lips.

"Meet me at the roof top." I knodded and he dissapeared.

"I'm not done yet Kimi." Sasuke growled.

I looked to him as he whiped some blood off his face with the back of his hand. I smerked and looked to Iruka-sensei. A puzzled look acrossed his face as I smiled at him.

"I quit." And with that I teleported away from the confused faces of my classmates/teacher and a very pissed off Sasuke. I appered on top of the academy but soon relized that Kai-Kai wasn't even here. 'He had a head start and I still made it here before him' I sighed. Hands were placed over my eyes but i knew who was behind me.

"Guess who~" I giggled at how much of a kid he still is.

"Hmmm.. could it be, a Pervert!" He gasped as he removed his hands. I turned around to see his shocked expression and could bearly contain the laughter that threatened to escape my mouth.

"Like you should talk, if your brother or even Ibiki knew how perverted your mind wa-"

"Hey! It's not my falt that I learn from my elders." I shruged. He chuckled and hugged me, I hugged him back. The nice quiet bonding moment was disrupted by my tummy grumbling.

"You hungry?" I looked up at him and knoded.


As we walked to the restraunt I couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong with my lazy perverted friend. His sholders were a little tense and every couple of seconds he would glance my way out the corner of his eye, like I wouldn't notice.

"Kai-Kai?" He jumped a little as tho I startled him. He slowly turned towards me and gave me a nervous smile.

"Y-yes Kii?" I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He started to sweat.

"N-Nothings wrong. Why would you think somethings wrong..Ooo look we're here!" He quickly grabed my hand and pulled me toward the dumplings restraunt. As soon as we entered he pushed me in a seat.

"I'll go get our food. Be right back." I watched as he walked away from me to the counter. 'Why is he acting so strange?' A frown found its' way on to my face as I looked out the window to the sky.

"I got your favorit, wonton soup. With extra dumplings." I smiled up at him as he placed the most delicious food on earth right in front of me. Kakashi looked around the almost empty restraunt, there were three other costomers plus the cheff and his son, Kazuhiko. For my past birthdays Vasili and I ordered take out from here since it was my favorit place to eat. Kazuhiko, was around my age-maybe a little bit older- but he had a little sister around Konohamaru's age so me and Kazu use to meet at the park so Konohamaru and Mai can play together. Kazu smiled at me as we looked at eachother, Kakashi cleared his throat, I looked to him as he pulled down his mask and started eating. I rolled my eyes and did the same. About half way through our second bowl I desided it was time I found out what was wrong with him.


"Yes, Kii?"

"Why were you so quiet on the way over here? Why did you want me out of the academy? Please don't lie to me, I just want to help." I placed my chop-sticks on my napkin and looked to him, tilting my head to the side when he kept his head down-looking at his hands.

"Well, you know your brother had to go on another mission today right?.." I knodded, waiting for him to continue. He sighed and finally looked at me, there was sorrow, anger and pity hidin in his eyes.

"Do you know what the mission is about?" I shook my head no, the way he was looking at me so saddly like my puppy had just died, was pissing me off. 'What the hell is he talking about?' He looked out of the window.

"The hokage has recived some information about Orochimaru," I froze as soon as he said that name. Hearing that brought flashbacks of his face, his evil laugh, and those eyes. I shook my head trying to releave myself from those terrible thoughts. He looked back to me and smiled softly at me, then grabed my hands in both of his.

"The mission is simple. Go to the destination, gather some more information, return home. I just thought you would want to know, I don't know if Vasili would have wanted me to tell you but I think you deserve to know."

"Thank you Kai-kai." I smiled back at him. He looked at my empty bowl then back to me.

"You still hungry?" I was about to answer no, when I was interupted by my tummy grumbling. We both look up from my stomack and laugh.


After we ate a few more bowls Kai-kai walked me home. I took a shower and changed into another one of my brothers shirts, then I climed into my bed. I've been laying down tossing and turning for at least a half an hour, thinking about Vasili, his mission, and that monster. I moved the blanket off of me and walked to Vasili's room. His door opened with a soft creek, it was relitively clean miunes the clothes tossed carelessly around the floor and the un-made bed. With my teddy bear in my hand I sleeply walked over to his bed, crawling unnder the soft, plush-y blankets. I was surounded by warmth almost instantly as I slowly fell asleep.

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