Last Fight

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~Chapter Three~

Kimi's POV

Sasuke got in the house befor me but I was that first to try to explain what was going on.

"I'm sorry Itac-"

"YOU TOLD HER ABOUT MY SECRET SPOT?!?!" Sasuke yelled. 'Oh he's maaaaaad.' I thought to myself as sasuke was glaring at his older brother.

"It's not really a 'secret spot' if I know about it now is it sasuke." Itachi said it so calm but his eyes were filled with amusement.

Sasuke opened his mouth like he was going to say something but then closed it. He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. "whatever."

I was a little shocked that he went from being angry and yelling to pouting. I giggled a little bit because he was acting like a lil baby.

"Hey, Vasili where's daddy?" I asked as I started to walk up stairs.

"He's speaking with lord hokage right now, he should be back soon." Vasili said as he and itachi walked past me into the kitchen.

I was already back in the guest bedroom packing the rest of the clothes that I brought with me when I herd a knock at the door.

"One second!" I put down the shorts that I folded into my bag and went to the door.

"Oh, hi sasuke you need something?" I gave him a small smile.

"Um..I-Iwantedtoknoifyouneededanyhelp." He said it so fast that I could bairly understand what he said.

"Umm sure I guess..uh can you fold those shirts?" I asked as I let him in and pointed to the pile of shirts on the bed.

"Y-yeah I guess." He said as he picked up the one on the top and started to fold it. He set the 'folded' shirt infront of me so I can pack it up.I giggled and shook my head.


I smiled. "Oh nothing~." I sang as I re-folded the shirt and packed it up. I looked at sasuke and he had his arms crossed over his chest and he looked really serious.

"Why where you laughing." It was more of a demand than a question.

"Sasuke, it dosen't mat-

"Tell me." He said as he glared at me. At first I was a little shocked that he would talk to me like that but I got mad soon after. I glared right back at him.

"I don't have to tell you anything."

"Why are you so stubern!" He yelled taking a step twoard me.

"Well why are you STUPID!" I yelled back at him.

"If I'm so stupid then you can fold your clothes by yourself!" He yelled as he stormed out of the guest room. I stoped toward the door.

"FINE I WILL!" After I yelled that, I slamed the door and continued to pack.

"Vasili,Kimi. We're leaving as soon as your both ready." Daddy said from down stairs.

"Mkay daddy." I went to go find vasili in itachi's room. "Come on vasili." I said tugging on brothers' hand.

"Ok,Ok I'm coming." He laughed.


"Good bye aunty,uncle!" I exclamed as I gave them a hug. "We'll be back next year."

"See'ya guys." Vasili said as he gave them a hug.

"Good bye,be safe." Aunty and uncle said at the same time. 'Aww thats cute!' I thought as I smiled at them. Itachi and sasuke were told to walk us to the gates.

As we got closer I relise that I didn't really wanna leave. I love konoha. Its so much more fun over here. I started to tear up. I grabed itachi's hand.

He looked down. "Are you ok kimi?"

I shook my head no. He came down to my eye level and put a finger under my chin so I was forced to look at him. "There's no need to cry. Your coming back next year remember?" He reasured me.

A tear came out of my eye and slid down my cheek. "I know but I don't wanna go home." He wiped away the stray tear and pulled me into a hug. I huged him back.

"Come on Itachi, Kimi hurry up." Daddy called from a little bit ahead of us.

"Of corse." He said it so emotionless, I was wondering where my ita-kun went. He stood up and walked with daddy and vasili. I started to walk but not as fast as i was before. I look to my right and see sasuke, his hands were in his pockets and he was kicking at the ground.

"Hi." I said. I kinda felt bad about our fight earlyer.

"Hey." Not even looking in my direction.

"What's the matter?"

He looked up but quickly looked away. "Nothing."

I looked down. "Oh."

"Kimi, we're here." Vasili said while walking over to where we were with itachi right behind him.

"Ok." I looked to sasuke. "Bye." I waved as we left konoha.

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