Wake up call

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~Chapter Two~

Third Person POV

The question lingered in the air a little longer than nessesary. Jin phisicaly tensed at the mention of HIM. He took a deep calming breath.

"No, I don't think he does. But I'm not compleatly sure."

Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha were worried and took a glance at eachother.

'Why did it have to be that sweet boy?' Mrs. Uchiha thought.

"Well you know that the hokage's offer still stands." Mr. Uchiha said in hope to convince his friend to stay and keep his children safe.

"I'm not going to take them away from their family. They don't even know that they are in danger. I'm not going to scare them. They're just kids." Jin knew that they cared but vasili and kimi needed their family.

"EXACTLY! They're just kids! They need all the protection they can get from..from HIM!!" Mrs. Uchiha yelled. These where her godchildren! she new Keiko would have MADE them move to konoha as soon as she found out anything about that MONSTER coming for her son!!

"Sweetie,the kids are asleep.. Calm. Down." Mr.Uchiha sternly said to his wife.

"It is not our place to tell him what to do with his kids." He gave Jin a sad smile.

"Now its getting late, you and the kids have to travle back to your village in the morning. Lets go to sleep as well."


Kimi's POV

"..kimi..." Someone said


".Kiimiii.." That same 'someone' shook me.

Let me sleeep..


I jumped up as that someone screamed in my ear. 

"I'M UP!! I'm up.." I looked to see what time it was.

'IT'S ONLY 5:00!!' I guess the face i made was pritty funny cause guess who was laughing their butt off...

"SAAAASUKE!!!!!" I screamed. He ran out of my room and down the hall. I sprang up and ran after the idiot.

"Vasili there at it again." Itachi said as soon as sasuke pasted him.

I was just about to run past them to punch sasuke in his STUPID FACE! But then I was being picked up and held to someones chest.

"Hey put me down!" I said trying to sqwerm out of their hold on me.

They gasped. "You don't love me any more?"

I quickly turned around to see a hurt itachi. "Ofcorse I do Ita-kun but sasuke was being a meany and screamed in my ear." I pouted.

He chuckled. "Ok, you wanna know his secret hiding spot?"

I perked up really fast. "Yes yes yes!"

He wispered the secret hiding spot in my ear then set me on the ground. As soon as my feet tuched the floor I was gone. I ran outside to the back yard then into the trees.

'Ok, he said fifty steps into the trees then turn right and go.."

"Ten." I was facing a little clearing with a river on the other side. Someone was laying down on the grass in the middle of the clearing and if ita-kun was right it could only be one person.

I steped out into the clearing and put my hands on my hips. "Oh sasuke!" I called over to him.

He quickly bolted up and turned my way.

'Heheh I totaly have to give ita-kun a BIG hug.'

I ran at him. He tryed to run away,so I kinda sorta tackled him. He laned on the ground with me sitting on his back. Ok I wosent only sitting. I was jumping, but only a little, on his back.

"Ki-imi p-plea-ase ge-t of-ff." Sasuke said in between me jumping.

"No, you were being a meany. You deserve it!" But I stoped anyway cause i dont really like to hurt people. Unless they hurt me,or if its vasili. I was still sitting on him and now i was pouting cause he didn't even say sorry!

"What do you say?" I asked

"Please?" He said but it came out more like a question.

I jumped.

"Oof. Ok, What do I say then?" Oh now hes getting maad. Well now he knows how I feel.

"You say your sorry for yelling IN MY EAR!!" I yelled from my crisscross applesause position on his back.

"Ok,ok im srommy." He mummbled

"What? I didn't hear that last part. Come again?" I asked sweetly.

"I said I'm sorry!" He yelled with as much force as someone can use when they have a person sitting on them.

I jumped up. "Thats better." I said as I held out my hand for him to take. He looked at my hand then at me but got up on his own. I shruged and started walking back to sasukes' house so i can pack the rest of my clothes and then go home.

"Kimi, wait." He called after me. I turned around and waited for him to catch up. when he was close enuff i started walking again. He quickly caught up and kept up my paste. "How did you find me?" He asked.

"Not gona tell ya."

"Why not?"


"Kimi." He said in a warning tone.

I sighed. "Itachi." I said with a silent 'Duh' at the end. I giggled at his angry face. But that only caused him to get madder.

"ITACHI!!" He yelled then started running toward the house.

"Sasuke stop!" I called after him.

'Oh no, what if i wosen't suposta tell him that....' I gasped. 'What if i got him in truble? He was only trying to help me!' At that thought I started running after sasuke.


Third Person POV

As soon as kimi's feet tuched the floor, she was off to find sasuke. Leaving a chuckling itachi and a smiling vasili.

"Why do you encourage her to torcher YOUR little brother?" Vasili asked itachi. He shruged inresponce.

"I think its funny because all the other girls his age that i've seen would kill to be close to him, let alone live with him for the entire summer, but kimi seems to think hes just annoying." itachi smiled at the last part.

Vasili knew it was true and started laughing. He was the one who had to hear about how annoying sasuke can be. "Haha yeah she tells me all the time, but they do get along some of the time. She said something about him haveing too many girlfriends." He looked over at itachi and bumped him with his elbow and raised his right eye brow up with a knowing smerk on his face. "Showing your lil bro how to charm the ladys early eh?"

Itachi just rolled his eyes and shook his head. 'He can be suck a pervert sometimes.' he thought. "When is your dad coming back from speaking with lord hokage?" All joking erased from his face.

Vasili shruged. "I don't know.. I kinda hope he's there a little longer, you know how it is when we're 'home'." 

He did air quotes when he said 'home'. 'That house hasen't bin a home since mom died.' Vasili hated the thought but it was true. Ever since their mother passed it seemed like apart of their father died as well. He was never home. He would always find a way to go on missions just to keep himself busy. Vasili would watch over kimi but when he had to go on a mission with his team,their neighbor would watch her.

Itachi put a reasuring hand on his friends' sholder. He was about to say something but was cut off.

"ITACHI!!!" Sasuke came running into the house fallowed by a frantic kimi.

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