First Days Are Always The Worst part 2

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~Chapter Nine~

As I made my way into the class room it seemed like everyone stoped what they were doing to stare at me. 'Ooook awkward~'

"Kimi! Come sit next to me!!" Naruto was waving his hand over his head from his seat in the back. 'Awsome I could get a window seat!' I made my way up to him.

"Hey Naruto do you think I could get the window seat?" I asked givng him my puppy dog face. I knoticed his cheeks were turning bright pink.

"Uhh s-sure kimi. No problem." He got up to let me walk by him to my window seat. As I was walking past him the door slamed open revealing two very angry fan girls named pinki and blondi. 'Wonder whats got them so mad.' I thought as I sat down. It seemed like they were looking for someone by how they were searching the class room. Then ino looked at me with anger, hatred and envy? She hit sakura on the arm and nodded her head in my direction and then they ran over to naruto and I. Ino was the first out of the two to speak.

"Kimi! Just because your new here dosen't give you the right to talk to my sasuke-kun!"

"Your sasuke-kun?! Oh no he's MY sasuke-kun!!" Now what's that saying, speak of the devil and the devil shal apear? Well yep he sure did cause right as she finished that sentence sasuke came into the class room. Ino and sakura were too busy fighting eachother that they didn't even knotice 'their precious sasuke' walk right past them and stand right behind me. I turn around to face him.

"What do you want sasuke?"

"My seat."

"Not gona happen." He glared at me but I could tell he was just annoyed.

"Move." I smerked and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Make me." I all too soon regretted saying those words because his glare turned into a smerk. My face fell as he came closer to wisper in my ear.

"I will." He said it in a way that sent a involentary shiver down my spine. He pulled back and I thought I was safe. Ohh how wrong I was. He desided to pick me up and throw me over his sholder. My butt was facing ino and sakura so I wasn't able to see their reaction. Sakura was the one to speak.

"S-sasuke w-why are you h-holding HER like that!" I desided to answer for him.

"Because he's a seat stealing jerk face thats why! Now PUT ME DOWN!" I was going to hit him on his back but he started to walk and I almost fell off but he caught me just in time.

"Stop moving."

"Well if you'd put me down I wouldn't be moving now would I." He tried to walk past naruto.

"Hey!! Sasuke put Kimi DOWN!! She wanted to sit next to ME!!!!" I guess naruto steped in front of sasuke because we stoped moving.

"Get out of my way." his hold on my waist tightened.

"No pu-" He was interupted by Iruka-sensei's yelling.

"Naruto leave sa,umm sasuke will you please tell me why you have kimi over your sholder?" Yet again I wosen't able to see what his face looked like because sasuke had my butt facing Iruka-sensei.

"She wa-" 'THIS WAS NOT MY FALT!!!!'

"No! Sasuke desided to be a seat stealing no good stupid jerk face!" I started to sqwerm out of his hold. But he just droped me on my butt. "See sensei he's a jerk! I don't see why all you girls love him so much he's always a meani!" I sat myself crisscross applesauce on the floor where he droped me, folding my arms and pouted. Sasuke smerked at me then turned to take MY seat.

"Kimi will you please sit somewhere else so I can finish the lesson?" Iruka-sensei asked while rubbing circles into his temples. I stood up.

"Well actually before you start may I use the restroom?"

"Fine but I'm going to start without you."

"That's ok." I walked out the door and out of the acadamy and on to the roof. I layed there untill the rest of the students came out. I was looking over the edge at all the kids walking to their familys and talking about what they learned today. I fround as I remembered my dad. I was snaped out of my memories by the squeking of an old swing. I turned my head to see naruto on the old swing. ' Where's his family?' I thought as I jumped from the roof onto the ground. I was going to walk to him but when I looked he was already walkings away with Iruka-sensei. I smiled softly as I looked at them walking away together. I turned around to see that sasuke was right there.

"You skiped." He narrowed his eyes at me. I gave him a closed eyes smile.

"Yep!" I popped the 'p' at the end. I opened my eyes when I felt I someone was behind me. By the look of sasukes face I knew exactly who it was.

"Kimi." I turned to face the person who called my name.

"Hai, sensei." I bowed my head slightly.

"I was told to walk you home." Ibiki-sensei turned and started walking. I followed and waved over my sholder to sasuke.

"Later Sas-gay." We were walking in silence untill we herd something that sounded like a stampeid behind us.

"Kii-chan!!" I was frosen in place. 'Oh no. Why didn't I just go home instead of being on the stupid roof!' Ibiki-sensei and I look over our sholders to see Gai-gai heading toward us at top speed. 'Maybe I ca-'

"Kii! How was your first day! Were the kids nice to you?! Did you talk to any boys?!" Before I could even finish my thoughts, Gai-gai already got me in a bear hug and bombarded me with questions. I tried to get out of his death grip to anser him but Ibiki-sensei beat me to it.

"She was talking to some kid and smiling at another. But she didn't tell me their names." Gai gasped and let go of me. I imedietly was falling but landed on my feet as Gai gave Ibiki his full attention. I was bored and they were talking about me like I wasn't even here so I started to look around. There were people buying food and clothes, also kids playing and running around. I looked to my left and saw that Kiba was walking with Choji and Shikamaru? I hope Naruto got their names right. Akamaru was the first to notice me and barked at me. Kiba looked down to him then over to me and smiled. I smiled back and he knoded his head to get me over there. I looked back to Ibiki and Gai. They were still talking so I desided to walk over to Kiba.

"Hi Kiba, Akimaru." I waved and smiled at them.

"Hey Kimi. Who are those guys you were with?"

"Oh them? Well the one in the green is Gai and the one in black is Ibiki, he's my sensei." Kiba and Choji looked suprised.

"Wait, HE'S your sensei? He looks kinda, um.." Kiba was at a loss for words but I knew exactly how to describe Ibiki.

"Scary, sinister, like he could kill you in less than a second?" I smiled at their faces.

"Uhh, hehe yeah kinda. I'm Choji by the way and thats Shikamaru." Choji said as he ate more chips. I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you."

"Your sensei is glaring at us." This was the first thing Shikamaru said to me and it took a second for it to click in my brain. I turned around and he was right. Both of them were looking at us well Ibiki was glaring  

and Gai had.. hearts in his eyes? I sweat droped and looked back to the three guys.

"Umm thats kinda my que to go, soooo see ya tomarrow?"

"Yeah see ya!" We all waved to eachother as I made my way back to Ibiki and Gai. 'What are they thinking now.'

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