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Author Pov,

It was your only duty. Obey me all the time, do whatever I say and trust me, I will not make out until we get married. Still, then we should have a warmup right." He smirked.

She gave a disgusting look at him.

"You have few rules here.

Rule one. Never say no to me.

Rule two- When I ask something, reply in words.

Rule Three. Never think about any other man in your life, only I should be.... forget all even if you have any!

Rule four. Never try to backstab me!

Rule five...Follow and obey everything I say, especially the above four-stated rules."

"If you disobey or violate any of my words, you will suffer severe punishments. In fact, I will show you hell."

She gulped her saliva in fear.

"Do you understand?" he scowled.

She nodded.

"I said you already answer me in words!" he yelled in anger while stepping towards her.

"Haan!" she choked while moving away on the couch.

"Yes sir! Learn to respect me. This was your first mistake today. On that day you made a mistake by slapping me once again. If you make one more mistake, then you will get a horrible reward. By that you will remember rest of our life," he whispered in a smiling tone in her ear.

"Noo..!" she slammed, pushing him away.

"What no?" He yelled angrily while holding her hair.

"Noo, sir! Please leave me, it's hurting." she choked and pleaded in tears. He left her free and moved apart.

"That's like a good girl. You will get a reward for being good," he chuckled while grabbing a chocolate from his pocket.

"Have it, I will be back after a meeting" He mumbled while planting a kiss on her cheek leaving her alone.

Manik left her alone. She felt bored sitting in between four walls. It's been 3 hours still. She hasn't found him back. She was happy in his absence. But because of a lot of free time, she felt hell boring. She started observing his cabin. She saw a glass shield on the glass cupboard. She moved towards it and moved the glass door. She took the shield in her hand and read the name on the shield.

"Madison Scott"

She got lost while thinking about it. Who is this, Madison? She kept the shield in its place. She was about to lock the glass drawer soon; she heard an unlocking sound in fear. Her hand gave up and a glass shield fell down and broken into pics.

"What the hell you're doing?" Manik yelled in anger.

"Nothing sir, I'm just watching, I'm sorry" she choked in a shivering tone.

"Are you spying on me?" he scowled in anger.

"No! I'm just looking at that shield." she cried.

"I know well about girls, you all are behind money and position" he yelled angrily, pulling her towards him.

"I'm not cheap like you think, I'm not interested in your money or position, your the one who is misusing both while forcing me in this," she shouted, pushing him back.

He got angrier with her answer.

"How dare you to raise your voice at me!" he yelled while moving towards her.

"I'm not a slave of you. What the sin I did? Even I'm human, I have feelings, I have self-respect, but you're just a monster. Always hurting me by all means." she scowled in tears.

"You're my slave, you deserve more pain than this for standing against me." he snuggled while pulling her towards him.

"Leave me!" she yelled while struggling,

He thought for a second and got an idea.

He left her and moved towards his drawer; he had a small box. He got it out. He placed it on his table while occupying his armchair.

"Come her sit on my lap!" he ordered. She hadn't moved an inch from her position.

"You have five seconds. On the 6th second, I will increase your punishment five times," he warned in a dangerous tone.

She knows well that he is serious. It would be better if she goes herself. She stepped towards him and got seated on his lap. He rested his hands on her thighs while caressing them sensually.

"Open the box!" He whispered in her ear.

She held that box to open, but she stopped when she felt his hand moving upward towards her inner things. She jerked his hands off her in seconds, which shocked him to the core.

"Dare not to repeat!" he smirked while placing his hands on her thighs.

"Open the box!" he whispered back,

She opened it ′ It's an object in an unordered oval shape. It's as small as an egg.'

"Do you know what it is?" he asked.

"Noo!" she replied.

"It's a vibrator!" he replied in a husky tone.

"Means?" she asked innocently.

"It will vibrate, I will show practically!" he chuckled with an evil smirk while grabbing the little remote in that box. He turned it on. It started vibrating slowly in her hand, which amused her.

"What is the use of this?" she asked innocently. He placed the remote on the table and took the vibrator in his palm. He moved it on her thigh. She thought it was a funny device as it caused her tickling.

Soon he placed the vibrator on her pan**e which jerked her first time she felt someone touching her there. She tried to get up from him, but it was too late. He held her tight and rubbed the vibrator on her sensitive spot.

"What are you doing? It hurts!" she pleaded in tears.

"It means to hurt!" he smirked while running it on her mold.

She struggled to manage her breath to stay on, but the sensation was unbearable. Maybe it's on low, but as its first time it was unbearable.

"Please, take it away!" she pleaded while falling from his lap. But still, he forcibly held it all tight against her sensitive spot.

"Will you again dare to raise your voice?" he asked while pressing it hard.

"No, please, take it away!" she begged him while breathing heavily,

"Tell me that your sorry" he commanded.

"I'm sorry, please take it!" She pleaded in tears.

"Sorry, sir" he scowled while pressing on the fabric more.

"I'm sorry, sir! Please take it away!" she begged while panting hard.

But it's too late. He knows well that she is ready to come. He pressed it hard by increasing the speed to medium. She explored for the first time, which shocked her.

He removed the vibrator from her. She fell back on him while panting in tears.

"Remember, next time if you raise your voice, I will tie you up and attach this same for hours and hours," he warned in a dangerous tone. She fell on her knees and cried silently.

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