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28 – knowing truth


In XYZ university, USA

Manik, Eric, Aliya, Liam, Jasmine are a gang of Indian students.

Eric-aliya and Liam-Jasmine are couples, whereas Manik is single.

Manik Aliya and Jasmine like his sisters.

While playing causally, aliya has fallen down from the terrace but Eric has seen that as murder.

The case was closed as an accident, but Eric mistook that Manik got escaped as he was the son of a rich man.

Eric developed hate towards Manik. He came back to seek revenge from Manik.

Flashback over

Nandini took a second to understand she couldn't believe that Eric had such an evil mind.

" So why are you hurting me now?" she asked him.

" He wanted to marry you, so he asked me to divorce you!" Manik mumbled in tears.

" Why will I marry him even your divorce, I can never let another man in my life" she confessed.

" But I made a mistake by killing Aliya, but I tried to save her from falling but I couldn't, I'm so helpless!" he sobbed.

" Just shut up Mic, it's just an accident and I will never leave" she hugged him tightly.

Manik lost crying in her embrace.

" I should teach him a right lesson!" Nandini murmured to herself while caressing his hair.

She hugged him close to her heart. He had fallen asleep on her lap.

Nandini brushed his hair while caressing his innocent pale face.

She kissed his hair and covered him with the sheet and lied beside him. She has fallen asleep after a long time while sitting.

Nandini woke up first. She placed him on the bed and left to get fresh.

By the time she came out, Manik woke up.

" Good morning hubby!" She wished

" Very good morning wife!" he said with a smile.

" Aww, I miss this cute smile from days!" she said with a lovely smile.

She ran towards him and kissed his forehead.

" Why not kiss on lips, wifey!" he asked with a pout.

" We had so much work, now go get ready and leave to the office," she said.

"No mood of office, let's make love one more time" he pleaded like a kid while pulling her on his lap.

"Hubby, do what I say please?" she asked with a pout.

He nodded.

She pecked his lips and selected him a dress and left to the study room.

Manik got ready, had breakfast and left to office.

Nandini dialed him.

" Manik, be serious, we are angry with each other. Remember that, if I met you with Eric, you shouldn't get jealous, you should get angry ok!" she informed.

"What!! What are you planning?" He questioned.

"Let this plan be in my hands I.e. Mrs. Scott can handle anyone!" she said with confidence.

" Sounds sexy, Mrs. Scott" he chuckled.

She blushed purposely.

" Stop making me blush until we succeed" she whispered while blushing.

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