30- Epilogue

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30- Epilogue


"Hubby!" She whispered in a sleepy tone while stretching her hands lazily.

"Good morning, Sweetheart!" He wished in a husky tone and peaked her lips.

"I'm tired!" She whispered while pulling the quilt up to her head.

"I made you tired, but I wanna make you one more time." He chuckled while pulling her closer.

"No, let me sleep!" She pleaded while covering her naked frame.

"Hmm, I was thinking about expanding our family and plan a baby!" He said to her. His words made her so happy that she got up with all excitement.


"Yes! For that, we should work hard day and night" he said with a smirk while glaring at her exposed front, which was uncovered now due to her excitement.

"Shameless!!" She scolded while hugging him. She had hidden in his embrace.

"Shall we go on one more honeymoon!" He asked with a smile.

"Hmm, we can, but after marriage!"

" Whose marriage!! We are married long back. "

"Eric! I want him to marry my cousin Jasmine.

"I accepted my defeat better you ask him." He announced.


When Eric shoots himself, Nandini moved away and saved him.

"Death is not a solution. Already my husband is in guilt. If you really love someone, you cannot make them sad. Will your love like you to die? If you really love her, then stay happy, she will be happy in heaven." She tried hard to make him understand and finally, he accepted.

They are living together in the same house, and he took some therapy to come out of that depression.

Jasmine meets Eric at a party. She liked him and wanted to know more about him. Even Nandini felt he deserves love and helped Jasmine.


Dining table

They are all having dinner.

"Ahem Ahem! Eric, Shall I ask something!" Nandini asked in a calm tone while serving him his favorite Cheese cake.

"Yep! Anything!"

"What is your opinion on Jasmine?" She asked and Manik glared at them.

"Hmm, she is a nice girl and yes, I'm planning to make a partnership with her design firm."

"Can't you make her your life partner!" She asked with a smile.

"What!!" Eric yelled while spatting his food in shock.

"I'm serious, will you marry my sister? She likes you and I can't get a person better than you", Nandini confessed.

"I'm sorry, I don't deserve love. She will get best Nandini " He said while getting away.

"You know the value of love and I trust you; we are with you. Please, give a chance. You can get back your first love as your daughter." she said with a confident tone.

" no, I can't"

"Fine! And Manik, we can't have a baby until he accepts this." Nandini scowled while turning away.

"What!!!" Manik shouted in horror.

"No touching too!" She scowled while leaving them alone.

"Eric!! Please!!" Manik begged Eric.


" Please bro!! I will die being depressive. Just once marry, if you don't like that I will arrange a divorce." Manik pleaded like a kid.

"What type of deal is this!" Eric scolded.

"Please marry once, we can be fathers," he said with a smile.

"You be a father, but I don't want to, "Eric said stubbornly. Manik left to his room.

"Did he say yes?" she asked instantly.

He nodded a no with a sad pout.

"Then why did you come!!" she shouted at him.

"Baby, please we can talk in the morning, let's sleep!!" He asked her but she approached him in two steps.

"So shall we sleep!" she asked in a seducing tone while drawing circles on his shirt.

"Yeah!" he said excitedly.

"Lock the door then!!" she whispered in a husky tone.

He left towards the door and, before closing the door, Nandini pushed him out of the room, which shocked him.

"When your friend is not happy, how can you be happy? First, make him accept, then you can touch me!!" She scowled in anger and closed the door.

"I will punish you!" He shouted while banging on the door.

"Punish me as you like, but I will let you in only after his marriage!!" she said stubbornly.

Manik walked directly towards Eric's room and slept with him. It's been almost four days since they made love. Manik was so frustrated.

"Why are you sleeping with me?" Eric asked doubtfully.

"She pushed me out because of you and freaking hell, I will die in two days."


"Please, marry bro... Please, it's good for everyone, especially for me. Please!!" he almost begged him.

"Ok" Eric finally accepted for them.

"Oh really! Thank you so much!!" Manik jumped in joy and ran to meet Nandini .

He banged the door with all excitement nonstop. Nandini came to open the door frustrated


"Eric is ready for marriage!!"

"Are you sure!!" She asked to confirm.

" Yes," he pushed her inside the room and pinned her to the side wall. He claimed her lips like a hungry lion." No, I can claim my right!" he whispered in between the kisses.

"Umm!! Ahh!! Stop!" She struggled to push him a little, but it made him hold tight and kissed her furiously. He kneeled her melons that she moaned into his mouth by providing better access. His tongue traced her every corner while extracting her favor. He broke the kiss after finding her breathless.

"No touching until they get married!!" She whispered while breathing hard.

"He accepted!"

"Shut up, I'm on periods!" She popped her secret out.

" What!! Your cheater!! You should have said it before, so I used to take it as a gift. Unlike punishment." He complained.

"Acha, if I said like that, would you convince Eric! No! Right" So I kept a secret!!" She chuckled with a naughty smile.

Eric and Jasmine got happily married. Liam married Kriya and Nancy came back to Manik. All are living together in a single mansion, sharing their happiness.

Manik and Nandini were seeing the family album of Eric's wedding.

"You deserve to get a reward for all this drama!!"

"Give anything don't mind hubby, I'm always yours." She whispered while claiming her lips with his and drowning themselves into a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much, my sweet devil!" She said while biting his cheek.

"I love you too, my desire, my princess, my everything" He confessed with a lovely smile, and they shifted to the other world of love.

After a year, their family expanded as they were blessed with a baby boy and Eric Jasmine were blessed with a baby girl.


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