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{mature content ahead}

"You know something, you're a virgin still" he whispered. Her eyes widened at his words.

"Now, I will take it myself!" he mumbled in her ears while caressing her lower.

Her world stopped. At that second, she covered herself with a sheet.

"Wait!! means on our first night?" she shouted,

"I have done nothing!" he mumbled with a smirk.

"I know, I know you're not that bad. I trusted you, Manik, I trusted you. I used to think you will never hurt me to that extent. You made me feel proud that my trust in you is right. That thing is enough to say that your good. You're good, Manik!" she choked in tears. She is happy.

"No, what the thing I did! Shittt!!" he scowled while hitting his hand on the chair.

"From what are you hiding, Manik? Why are you running away from the truth? Why you're hating yourself, say, Manik! Answer me please!!" she pleaded.

"Just shut up!! I don't wanna explain you!" he scowled while leaving.

"No! not today, I wanna know everything about you!" she mumbled confidently.

"Who the hell you're to question me?" he scowled.

"I'm your wife! I have a right to know about you," she said confidently.

"See your damn just like my servant in this house. I just got you to use, but you're useless for that too!" he scowled while pushing her aside.

"No! Manik, whatever I'm your wife," she said while blocking his way.

"Wife ... So did you give the right of being your intimate partner!!" he scowled.

She gasped a little at his question.

"No right!" he smirked.

"You can love me now, you can do anything you want" she mumbled while dropping the sheet on the floor.

Which shocked him.

"I don't love you, it will be just make out that to rough," he chuckled with an evil smirk.

"Ok anything, it's love for me, but promise me that after this you will tell your past," she asked.

"Let me see if you're alive after that, I will say" he whispered while pushing her on the bed.

He digs himself into her neck and started placing wet kisses. She moaned out aloud.

He placed hickeys all over her shoulder. He moved down towards her, b**bs.

Kneaded one, he pressed her left curve in his palm until she moaned a little.

He smirked, "I like it" he whispered. She blushed hard after hearing him. He kissed her neck while playing with her ni**ple. She blushed hard.

Soon his fingers are replaced by his lips. He took her sexy button in between his lips and he chewed them by licking with his tongue. She fisted his hair tight while moaning.

"It tastes so tempting!" he whispered while sucking her melon.

He kneeled her right melon while tasting another,

"M... Manik ... Slow" she moaned while holding his hair.

"Shall I stop right here, baby!" he smirked

"No, I wanna know the truth." she choked while holding her pain.

He kissed her lips passionately.

"Fighting good, I love it. Let's see your limits!" he whispered in a husky tone. He returned to her left curve. His speed shocked her. He bitted her n**ple.

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