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24- Meeting His Past

Scott's office,

Nandini cabin

A person around 25 entered her cabin with a knock.

"Hi, miss Nandini !" he wished her with a fake handshake.

"Hi Mr. What is your name?" she struggled to remember his name a little.

"Managing Director of EV group Eric", he chuckled.

′ Oops sorry nice meeting you, have your seat!" she said with a smile.

" So, miss Nandini , you're one the most beautiful businesswomen I ever met!" he said in a flirty tone.

" Thank you, Mr. Eric," she mumbled little uncomfortable by his gaze.

" You can call me Eric!" he said in a husky tone.

"It's ok, on what purpose you got an appointment from me?" she questioned with a professional smile.

" A deal. Actually, we have a project, and I don't have such capable persons to lead it, so I planned to make it on partnership basis. Here are the project details. Once you check it well. If you join hands, it will be the best deal for both of us" he assured while forwarding a file. She studied the file thoroughly.

"Nice project, so what was the deal?" she asked.

"Investment is all mine, but the work should be half done by your company. Profit will be 50-50" he replied.

" Ok fine, nice deal. We can prepare documents after consenting Mr. Manik, we will get back to you soon," she said with an assured smile.

" Ok, but I can't wait that long to start my project. I mean our project" he smirked with hidden evilness.

" Ok Mr. Eric, I mean Eric. We will see you soon" she mumbled. He left her cabin with an evil smirk.

She forgot to inform Manik on that day due to some urgent work Manik left to Singapore.

Once again, Eric visited Nandini . Being it profitable for the company, she signed the documents as she was unaware of Eric's intentions.

Manik landed back after a week. Eric visited Manik this time.

" Hi, partner!" Eric chuckled with a smirk.

" What the!" Manik scowled in angry.

"Haha, we are partners now. See this!" Eric uttered while forwarding a file.

Manik was shocked to see Nandini 's signature on them.

"What the hell you got my wife signed here!" he yelled in anger while holding his collar. Soon Nandini entered his cabin.

Manik left Eric's shirt and controlled his anger.

" Hello Mr. Eric" she wished with a professional smile.

"Good morning beautiful!" he said in a flirty tone.

Manik held Nandini 's hand tight with surprised Nandini .

" I think you both are having a good time; shall we discuss the project! ′ Nandini asked.

" Sure ..." Eric chuckled.

" And Eric, he is my husband Manik Scott, the holder of my love, and me and CEO of The Scott group," she said with a proud smile.

Manik felt happy, he felt proud of himself.

" I think he knows it, sweetheart, all thought you are my lovely wife" Nandini Manik Scott" Manik chuckled while kissing her cheek.

"Shut up hubby, we are in the office and not here" Nandini blushed.

"Nice couple!" Eric uttered with a fake smile.

" I think we should negotiate few more clauses before signing. We will discuss later, Mr.EV", Manik said in a dangerous tone, looking at Eric.

"Sure, Manik, we will meet you soon" Eric replied with a smirk.

Manik gulped his angry Nandini left aside to collect some files from the cupboard.

" You got such a sexy wife!" Eric whispered towards Manik while gazing at Nandini .

"She is mine!" Manik scowled.

"You took away what is mine, now it's your turn to lose!" Eric said in an evil tone while leaving the cabin, making him jump in shock.

Manik got some flashes of his college days.

A girl laughing and chasing a boy.

"Bhai stop" the girl chuckled while chasing him.

"Noo if you can, catch me!" he yelled while running away. They both ran to the terrace. The boy was hidden beside a pillar.

"BRO" she yelled while slipping down from the terrace of a ten-floor building."


"No!" Manik yelled in horror.

Nandini came running to see Manik.

" Manik, are you fine?" She asked in concern.

Manik came back to reality. He moved away and left the cabin, which confused Nandini a lot.

Scott Mansion,

Nandini prepared a special dinner for Manik, but Manik was lost in his past memories of his college days, he came home late at night, at 10 pm. Nandini is still waiting, unlike other typical wives, she understands well that Manik was busy in work.

As Manik came home, Nandini reached him to collect his bag and blazer. Manik was quiet. Every day he used to talk so many things while having dinner, but he is so calm.

After a silent dinner, they both left to room.

Manik lied on his side in deep thoughts.

"Manik, are you alright?" she asked in consent.

" I'm tired, let's talk tomorrow good night!" he mumbled.

Nandini lied quite ... Both slept.

Manik woke up with a jerk from a nightmare.

" I haven't done anything; I haven't done anything!" he yelled in horror.

Nandini got up with a jerk.

" Manik ... Manik, open your eyes, see!" she yelled while tapping his cheeks. He opened his tired eyes to find his worried wife. He just hugged her without a word. She rubbed his back to comfort him.

" Nothing happened hubby, look, everything is fine!" she said with a smile.

"Nandini , will you leave me if I'm a bad person?" he asked.

" What bad, now thinking so much I'm your wife, I will accept your bad along with good!" she said while caressing his hair.

" I want you to write off that EV project!" Manik said to her.

" What! Why is it a profitable deal?" Nandini questioned.

" I don't want profit "he mumbled.

" Ok, will do anything for you now, sleep!" she said.

Manik felt happy he had fallen asleep, but Nandini 's brain started working.

"Something is fishy. Why is Manik reacting so upset about Eric? Is there any personal reason? I should find out why Manik is so scared about something." She thought in confusion, lying beside staring at him.

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