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7- Confessions


Nandini was sleeping, and Manik was sitting beside her on the chair while placing his legs on the bed.

Nandini 's sleep was disturbed by sunrise. She opened her eyes slightly, and her eyes popped out by seeing Manik beside her on the chair.

She got scared and crawled back on the bed with a jerk by covering herself with the bedsheet.

Manik got disturbed by a sudden moment of Nandini .

"How are you feeling now?" he asked in concern.

"f... F..fine s...s..sir " she mumbled in a scared tone. He got settled beside her while leaning towards her.

"I'm... Sorry please don't punish me!" she cried in loud tears.

She started crying. Manik felt bad seeing her condition. He liked that fear once upon a time, but now he is not feeling good by seeing her like this.

"I will not punish you. Don't be scared, just take rest ". He mumbled in a calm tone.

She nodded silently,

"I'm going, you have tablets on time, be fine. We will talk later," he said while leaving her alone.

The morning, her dad explained about Manik's care for her. She was more confused after knowing that.

Nandini POV,

He himself hurt me and took care of me and healed me.

Why is he behaving so weirdly?

Is he a monster or human-like all?

Why he is hurting me?

What is going on in my life?

What does he want from me?


A week later,

Nandini was perfectly fine. She is peaceful and happy too, as Manik hadn't met her or called her. She felt relieved. But it's not so easy as Manik is Manik.


Manik went to her home. Nandini and her family are in the living room.

Nandini 's heart stopped beating when she found Manik near the door. Her family invited him with a smile.

"Good morning, aunty, uncle, and nick!" he wished.

"Good morning Manik!"

"How are you feeling, Nandini ?" he asked in a calm tone.

She nodded yes.

"Uncle! I want to talk about something with her. If you grant permission, I will take her out," he asked.

Nandini was spellbound by his request. She felt that she was gone today. They accepted happily.

"Get ready, I will wait," he said in a cold tone.

She knew well he was going to hurt her if she did late. It would hurt her more without making delay, she got ready, and he drove her to his mansion.

Throughout the journey, they are quiet. Nandini was silently praying to God to save her. He stopped his car in front of his main door. Nandini saw his mansion.

It's so beautiful and huge. He got down from his car and unlocked her door. He went to his mansion, while she followed him fearfully. He stopped her near his room.

"This is my room after marriage, our room. Get in!" he said in a calm tone. They both left and she followed.

"Sit!" he said.

She was hell scared. She stood like a statue.

"I said sit!!" he said in a serious tone.

She got seated on the bed. She was almost in tears in fear.

"I'm sorry, Nandini " he whispered while turning away, which shocked Nandini .

"See, I hate girls and I don't want to trust them!! I thought you were the same but you're different, Nandini , so I wanted to marry you. I will give you everything you want in life, and in return, you should just do a favor," he said in a serious tone while sitting beside her.

"What!" She asked doubtfully.

"You should just prove me and make me feel that I owe you. I don't believe in love and you need not to love, just be in my life, be my wife, I will not hurt you," He mumbled while holding her hand.

"Sir! If you don't mind, can I please ask a question?" she muttered, holding her tears.


"You want me just to sleep with you, then why are you thinking of marriage, sir? Manik got angrier by listening to this.

"Why you're planning to kill me every day? When you have a chance, power, and position to kill me at once! Why you're hating me so much Sir?" she asked in tears, unexpectedly he gave her a tight slap.

"I'm trying to be good to you, but you wanted me to treat you like a wh*r*" he scowled in anger while pushing her on the bed.

"I'm sorry!" she sobbed in tears. He removed his blazer and got on her.

"I only want your body not once; I want it a million times!! I just tried to make you comfortable and make it pleasurable, but you always want pain. Come on! I will give it today, it's our first night," he yelled in anger, tearing her shirt away.

"Please leave me!" she choked in tears.

He grabbed her hands and tied them together with his tie.

"Please, stop! I'm sorry!" she pleaded in tears.

Being heartless, Manik just focused on his work. He came on top of her by crushing his weight on her tiny little body. She gasped for breath because of his weight. He digs himself in her neck while giving bits all over her neck. She cried out in pain. He saw her condition. He got up from her and got seated beside the bed while folding his legs on the bed.

She opened her eyes by his movement. His eyes are red, mixed emotions are visible in his eyes. She crawled back on the bed by covering her front with the sheet with her bonded hands.

"I don't know Nandini ! why I'm not able to do this?

I don't know why I'm attracted to you.

I don't know why I changed my decision from single to get married.

I don't know why I'm unable to see your tears.

I don't know why I care for a girl.

I know only one thing, that is you, not any such cheap girl! Please, Nandini , be mine! Please, I will not hurt you. I don't know what love is. I can't love you, but I can keep you happy. I don't want to leave you in life. I want you only for me, therefore I wanted this marriage."

"On that night, you said to me, you will gift your virginity only to your husband. That second, I got this desire to marry you. Even I want to break it with you. I promise you're so special. Maybe it is just lust, but for me, you're my Desire, My passion." He confessed, which froze Nandini with his dual behavior.

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