A Moonlit Walk

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Cecily mentally berated herself with each step that brought her closer to the library. Alice had ambushed her and forced her into a black sundress and heels, then fixed her hair and did her makeup as Rosalie held her down.

This was the worst idea ever.

What if there were humans wandering around? Would she be able to stop herself? What if just the smell of them was enough to push her into a murderous rampage through the town?

"This is stupid," she muttered.

"Still talking to yourself?" Demetri said as she walked into the library.

He looked up from the book he was reading, snapping it shut before he placed it on a table. Cecily's eyes widened slightly as she took in his black suit and shirt, a blood-red tie finishing it off. Usually she would crack some sort of joke about his attire, but she found it actually worked for him.

"Enjoying the view?"

"No," she said, scoffing as she looked away. "So... let's get this over with."

"Don't sound so eager," Demetri replied, walking over to her and offering his arm.

Cecily reluctantly took his arm and they continued walking out of the library. He smiled as he led her through the maze of the castle. She couldn't help but be slightly impressed with the sheer size of the place. It would likely take years for her to discover all the rooms and hidden corridors.

"So this is home?" she asked.

"For the most part. I spend a decent amount of time out traveling," he said. Cecily nodded.

"Right. Searching out the Volturi's new acquisitions," she said.

"Those who break our laws," he amended. Cecily snorted.

"Sorry... just from what I've heard those laws tend to change frequently," she snipped.

"There are reasons those laws exist, one of which is to ensure that you exist," he replied. Cecily just rolled her eyes. They continued on in silence until they were at a small, nondescript door. He smiled down at her before turning the knob and pushing it open. "Welcome to Italy, Cecily."

They stepped out onto a cobblestone alley. The town around them was silent and dark. She let go of his arm and walked to the end of the alley, taking in the picturesque village. She couldn't help but be taken aback. She had always dreamed of traveling around the world, going to places like Paris and Italy. And here she was.

"It's nice," she said with a shrug, suddenly remembering that she was there with Demetri.

He chuckled as he stepped up and offered her his arm again. She took it and allowed him to guide her through the streets to the deserted town square.

All around her was the overwhelming smell of human blood. Cecily stopped and closed her eyes, willing herself to tune it out. She stopped breathing, hoping it would help, but she couldn't stop the burning in her throat.

"I don't think I should be here," she said, her eyes still closed. "I'm not ready for this."

"You can handle it," Demetri said soothingly. "No one is out."

"But I can smell them. Everywhere," Cecily gritted out.

"Trust yourself, Cecily," Demetri said, his voice low in her ear.

Cecily's eyes flew open as another sensation took over her body. One that she was all too familiar with, though not to this extreme. In a second she was on the other side of the plaza glaring at Demetri. He smirked as he caught up to her.

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