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Demetri strode through the Volturi compound, his usual lazy smirk on his face and familiar arrogant gait to his walk. However inside he was concerned. No, more than concerned. Everything was churning. He had never been this worried about facing the men he had called family for centuries.

He knew Aro would want an update on what had happened over the past few months. He knew that part of that would likely entail Aro looking into his mind. And then he would see just what Cecily could do. Once he saw that, Aro would stop at nothing to convince her to join the Volturi, likely sooner rather than later. He had already gone after the Cullens before. Now that there were even more talented vampires in their coven, well, Demetri didn't want to think of the lengths he would go to in order to procure them all in one fell swoop.

Or perhaps he would take another approach, using Demetri to get her in their fold. Regardless, it was highly unlikely that they would let him leave again - whether temporary or not.

He had to be positive in front of Cecily, but he still hadn't quite figured out what he was going to say to Aro, Caius and Marcus to allow him the freedom to be with the woman he loved without the Volturi interfering. He didn't think they would kill him. He knew that Aro craved his gift too much. But he also knew they were capable of incredibly persuasive means when it came to getting what they wanted. Or rather, what Aro wanted. Marcus could care less and Caius, well, he was more interested in maintaining the law than acquiring talented members for their guard.

The doors to the main throne room flew open as Demetri walked in and bowed before the three men. He paused a moment, waiting for the familiar ties of Chelsea's power to come over him. But for once, it wasn't there. That was odd. He was certain that as soon as he walked in, he would have to fight to maintain his desire to return to Cecily.

But all he felt right now was the overwhelming desire to leave.

"Demetri! You have returned! Though I will admit that I am a bit disappointed that the fair Cecily is not with you. Were you wrong in your assessment that she is your mate?" Aro asked, walking towards the tracker.

"I was not," Demetri said, straightening up and pushing the thought of Chelsea aside for the time being. "In fact, things have progressed rather well in that department."

"Then why is she not here?" Caius asked boredly.

"She... has yet again expressed that she wishes to stay among the Cullens to further acclimate to the vampire lifestyle," Demetri said, choosing his words carefully.

Aro's eyebrows rose as he studied the tracker.

"And as her beloved, you wish to give her everything that she desires," he stated.

Demetri's eyes flew over to the leader.

"Yes... it is difficult to deny her anything. Especially since she does not ask for much," Demetri said.

"You have been rather busy while you were gone... providing your mate with whatever she wants," Caius said. "You took down a human crime syndicate. Was this part of your grand scheme to woo her?"

Demetri remained calm, not so surprised that they had been keeping an eye on him. He only hoped they hadn't looked too closely.

"I played a very small part," Demetri said. "It was mostly Cecily's quick mind and keen investigative skills."

"It seems you two are far more matched than I first anticipated," Aro said, a sinister smile spreading across his face.

Demetri steadied his mind before responding.

"Truth be told... I found that I have fallen deeply in love with her. I have never felt this way about anyone in my many years of existence," he said truthfully, meeting Aro's eyes.

The Turning of Cecily StewartWhere stories live. Discover now