Chap 5: Heling, Hua Clan

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Narrator's Pov:

The Fourth Lady of Heling¹, Hua Clan had her skirts bunched up in her fists as she sprinted her way across the clan's main compound. Lady Hua Yun nearly bumps into a servant carrying plates that piled up high to the ceiling.

The servant reached out his free hand to balance the plates that wobbled precariously. "Do be careful Fourth Lady Hua²! Some of us are trying to work!" He scolded her strictly, but Hua Yun had already ran out of earshot. 

"He's here! He's here!" Hua Yun bursts into the banquet hall. Everyone inside stared at her for a moment, processing that she had just barged in like a wild boar, before returning to their work. What they had witnessed was quite a normal occurence.

Hua Yun scans her eyes around the room for her 'target' and when she finds him, she calls for her brother at the top of her lungs, "GE!! Sect Leader Jiang Has Arrived!" 

Hua Yuan (not to be confused with his youngest sister, that has happened way too often) had been in the middle of a discussion with a servant on which set of tea cups should be used. After hearing what his sister had said, Hua Yuan's heartbeat sped up a little.

"He is?" Hua Yuan was unable to quell the excitement in his voice.

"YES!" Hua Yun cries, filled with overflowing joy that could barely be contained in her short body. She grabs her big brother's hand and drags him away from the servant who says frantically, "But Master Hua hasn't told me his decision yet!"

"Just pick one!" Said Hua Yun. "Ge, let's go say hi to him!" She turns on her heel and heads for the exit, but was blocked by an older woman.

The woman was dressed in Hua Clan's formal wear--just like Hua Yun and Hua Yuan--meaning that her sleeves were long and loose and her skirt reached the floor. She had her hands cradling her large, swollen belly, and a deep frown on her face.

Both brother and sister took a step back. "Er-jie³." They both greeted the woman nervously.

Er-jie scolds them, "You two are not going anywhere! We will greet leader Jiang and his retinue properly later once Da-jieand everyone else is ready!"

Hua Yuan's face falls a little in disappointment, but he does a good job of hiding it. Meanwhile, Hua Yun visibly deflated and pouted her lower lip.

Er-jie holds eye contact with the both of them before she caved in with a sigh, "Alright, fine. Ah-Rui, be sure to send my regards to leader Jiang when you see him. You better come back to help with the preparations right after you've said your hello's! Understood?"

Hua Yuan instantly perks up and grins. He leans forward and kisses Er-jie on the cheek, "Love you, Er-jie," he leans down to kiss her belly, "Love you too baby, or babies!" Then, he's out of the banquet hall before Er-jie could nag at him some more.

Hua Yun smiles too, running after her brother, "Ge, wait for me! Hrghk--" Her escape was foiled when her older sister held her by the back of her collar.

Er-jie looked at Hua Yun with the most menancing stare. "You are not going anywhere! I said Ah-Rui could go, not you. You are staying to help!" She said coldly.

Hua Yun gasped, "What!? No!! Er-jie~, I want to say hi to leader Jiang too! WAHH! Someone save meeeeeeee!" She whines as she gets dragged back inside the banquet hall by Er-jie.

The servants around them immediately become frantic and some grab Hua Yun's arms, while some fussed over the very pregnant, Second Lady Hua. "Second Lady Hua, Second Lady Hua! Please don't exert yourself too much! We will take care of Fourth Lady Hua for you!"

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