Chap 4: Matchmakers

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Narrator's Pov:

Hua Yun plants her hands on her hips, "How about this, why don't I help you court my brother?" 

"Court your brother? Well that sounds fun!" A familiar female voice said from the roof of their sedan boat. Jiang Cheng startled while Hua Yun shouted in surprise.

They both jump out of their seats and got out of the cabin to confront the person on the roof.

Seated innocently on the roof with a leg crossed over the other, was Shu Mei Ling. She planted both of her elbows on her thighs and rested her chin on her hands.  "So...what were you two chatting about?"

Upon realising who it was, Jiang Cheng glares at his disciple. "Shu Mei Ling, what are you doing here!?" How did he not notice there was someone on the roof despite his cultivation level? Damn, am I really that old?

Shu Mei Ling smiled cheekily and flicked both of her low ponytails back with her hands. Ignoring leader Jiang's question, she leapt off of the roof and entered the cabin.

When she sees Lady Hua, she gave Hua Yun a curtsy then took the seat beside her. "Did I hear that right? Did Fourth Lady Hua really just offer to help leader Jiang court Master Hua?"

Hua yun blinked at the shorter girl with her mouth open, "Um...yes, I did." 

Shu Mei Ling leans back and rested both of her legs on the table. "Oh that sounds fun! I wanna help! Together we can be leader Jiang's matchmakers!"

Jiang Cheng comes back into the cabin to push her legs off the table. "No You Are Not! Shu Mei Ling, I command you to stay out of my personal affairs! I'll expel you!"

Shu Mei Ling was unfazed by his threats, knowing he won't go through with them, "Why? I just want to help~ Besides, I already have a plan!" She bats her eyelashes at him.

Hua Yun perked up curiously, "You do?" Shu Mei Ling nodded then whispers her plan into Hua Yun's ear. Hua Yun nods enthusiastically and whispered something to Shu Mei Ling too.

Shu Mei Ling gave Hua Yun an impressed look and wrapped an arm around Lady Hua, "I think we're going to become great friends." Hua Yun laughs in agreement.

Jiang Cheng watches both girls conspire about him uncomfortably. He crosses his arms, "Whatever your plan may be, I am not doing it! It's better if Master Hua remains unaware of my feelings for him, he doesn't deserve any burden..." he trails off, staring at the walls of the cabin.

Both women glance at each other and as if communicating through telepathy, they nod their heads in sync. They stand up and each looped an arm around Jiang Cheng's arms.

"What are you two doing–"

"We've decided to help you! We're going to set you up with my brother!" Declared Lady Hua.

"But there's no way I can get him to like me back–" Jiang Cheng argued but Shu Mei Ling interupted him.

"Not with that attitude you're not!"
The plan was fairly simple.

Lady Hua would tell her brother to go to the chosen location, without telling him why he needed to be there. Knowing her brother, he would go along with it without asking too many questions.

When Hua Yuan arrives, Jiang Cheng would already be there: posed like a handsome, noble knight preparing to sweep the maiden--er, lord off of his feet.

Anyways, Jiang Cheng just had to stand there, confess his feelings for Hua Yongrui, and Hua Yongrui will feel so charmed by the confession that they get engaged right away.

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