Chap 9: I'll Still Be There In The Morning

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Narrator's Pov:

"What do we do–" Jiang Cheng started to ask but gets cut off, and is yanked to the side harshly by the arm; and suddenly his back is pressed up against a wall.

Hua Yongrui stands chest to chest with him, a finger over his own lips and eyes glued to their only exit.

Jiang Cheng holds his tongue and follows Hua Yuan's line of sight, watching as a man in armor crosses the threshold.

The guard steps onto the balcony, inspecting the area with a lazy gaze. From where the two men were hiding, they had the cover of darkness shielding them. So long as they stayed completely still and silent, the guard won't detect even a hair of them.

The guard tsks at no one in particular. He huffs an annoyed breath before shutting the doors, and locking it up securely. "Who the hell left this open? Can't even trust people to do their job right."

The guard then walks away, oblivious to the two figures pressed together in the dark.

Both men sighed in relief, chests relaxing once the guard was gone. "That was a close one. Er-jie would kill me for sneaking you out here" Said Hua Yongrui, and Jiang Cheng could feel his chest vibrate when he spoke.

Jiang Cheng was suddenly very aware of how closely the other man was pressed to him. He can't help but feel he was breathing too loudly, and his heartbeat pounded nearly in tandem with Hua Yongrui's.

He hopes Hua Yongrui doesn't notice the red tint of his cheeks. He isn't sure if he was lucky or not as Yongrui does look his way, and they both freeze when their eyes meet.

Jiang Cheng could feel Yongrui's breath on his face, as an invisible force seemed to be pulling their faces closer together.

He flutters his eyes close right as Hua Yongrui presses his lips to his. When their lips meet, Jiang Cheng becomes overwhelmed with various emotions all at once.

Hesitance. Joy. Anxiousness. Fear. Contentness.

Having never kissed anyone before, Jiang Cheng doesn't know what to do in this situation.

Hua Yuan brings a hand up to hold the side of his face and gently tilts his head to the side, so their noses weren't awkwardly mushed together anymore and allowing their lips to lock easier. 

Jiang Cheng lets Yongrui take the lead, trusting that he knows what to do since he had more experience.

More experience.

These two words leave a bitter taste in his mouth, and he's hit with a sudden sense of jealousy. He wraps his arms around Yongrui's back and squeezes him tighter, then kissing the other man back fiercely and a little too eagerly—that it surprises both him and Yongrui.  

Hua Yongrui separates their lips and giggles at him, cheeks pink. "Wanyin, ah~ Are you so eager to kiss me?"  The sound of his laughter is light and bubbly, and Jiang Cheng wants to hear it over and over again.

Yongrui touches his bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. "Relax, darling~ No need to rush into it." His eyelids droop and his green eyes are filled with an indescribable emotion.

The shorter man brings their lips together again and threads a hand through Jiang Cheng's hair. After a while of kissing, Jiang Cheng starts to get the hang of it and starts moving his lips against Yongrui's more confidently.

They both have to reluctantly pull away for air, their chests heaving for air and their faces equally flushed.

Jiang Cheng licks his lips though they weren't even dry and feels that they're kiss swollen. "Th-the guard, uh, left." He stutters, still dumbfounded from the kiss they shared.

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