Notes on Hua Clan + art

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Province: Heling

Territory +Location: Heling, Hua. Located in Plum Woods, which is called that cuz the trees at what was deemed the 'front' of the forest had leaves that were dyed a purpleish black, like a kind of plum. Their territory is separated into above and below. Aster Grove is the village + where hua clan is, the village is below hua clan.

City name: Aster Grove

--The trees in Aster Grove seemed to have a mind of its own. The Hua Clan disciples were also known as the 'Tree Whisperers'.

(Literally, it means that the forest is alive and the trees and flowers can like move their branches on their own, sway even with no wind, or hold and grab things. Like, imagine a disciple calls for a tree to help it to bring equipment down to ground level.

A branch extends and obeys, carrying the equipment to the floor.

--About aster grove and how it got it's name:
Normal aster flowers are small and no bigger than the palm of a human hand, but the ones that bloom in aster grove are as big as a grown man's head!

This was because the first hua clan leader had a wife that adored these aster flowers and the like. But when she fell deathly ill and eventually passed away, her body was buried in the centre of Plum Woods. In her life, the clan leader's wife had been an extraordinary cultivator and when her body was buried; her spiritual energy seeped into the soil of the forest.

Soon, the once ordinary and almost invisible flowers, became too hard to miss. The entire forest was showered with this 'super growth magic' and many trees became huge and thick enough to build homes in them.

Meaning of Aster flowers in chinese culture: elegance & patience

The entire hua gentry (except hua yun) had been physically affected by the wen indoctrination. When a quarter of their forest got burnt down, their mom died, old man hua's legs got srsly injured,
hua ailin got a burn scar on her face, er-jie's entire left leg got burns,
hy his upper back and shoulders,
And san-mei has burn scars on both her arms.


(Left) Hua Ailin(eldest, 42) (Right) Er-jie(second eldest, 39)

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(Left) Hua Ailin(eldest, 42)
(Right) Er-jie(second eldest, 39)

San-mei (fourth child but is refered to as 'third sister' by Hua Yuan, 29)

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San-mei (fourth child but is refered to as 'third sister' by Hua Yuan, 29)

2nd and 3rd don't really matter so they won't be named. They'll only be referred to as Er-jie and San-mei.

Father--Hua Muchen (65)

*writing a short, comedic story of Jiang Cheng trying to get rid of a playful ghost while working on his relationship with Wwx*:


*writing 30 over chaps, making the mc go thru a crisis, angst x100, creating entire backstories for original characters, giving Jiang Cheng a love interest etc* :


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