Chap 8: Late Night Escapedes

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A/n: okay so this chap will be rated N-16. Nothing too gore-y or violent because there's none of that. No it's because there's some sex jokes in this one.

There's no actual sex, just mentions of it. Other than that it's just comedy and fluff. But yeah, so reader's warning.
Hua Yongrui's Pov:

"Wanyin? I didn't expect that you would see me at this time... Uh, what are you doing here?" Hua Yongrui had his eyebrows drawn together, having been caught off guard to see Jiang Wanyin in his bedroom of all places.

Jiang Wanyin meets his eyes awkwardly and Hua Yuan forces himself to not shuffle his feet. "I'm sorry? What do you mean by what I am doing here?" Wanyin sounded genuinely perplexed. "I was told that this was my room."

Hua Yuan stared at him for a few moments as if to call his bluff, but then remembered that he doesn't actually know if Wanyin could make jokes. So he nods along and asks calmly, "I see, and may I ask, who was it that told you that this was your room?"

Was it one of the servants who mixed up the rooms by accident? Or was it one of them

"It was your San-mei." Wanyin answered.

Of. Fucking. Course. It was.

"–She told me that my room had been reassigned and this was the only one left."

"Is leader Jiang settling in well?" A woman's voice asks with faux-innocence from behind Hua Yongrui. Speak of the devil, San-mei pops her head into the room, an evil smile on her face.

Hua Yongrui snaps his dark green eyes to her and narrows them. He inhales a breath to calm himself. He flashed a warm smile to the other man, "Would you excuse me for a moment?" Then he shooed his sister out of the room, and Hua Yuan shut the door behind them.

Since the walls weren't sound-proof, Hua Yuan dropped his voice to a harsh whisper. He crosses his arms to appear as intimidating as he could. "What are you scheming?" He whispers harshly.

San-mei remained unfazed by his glaring, or by his 'scary stance'. She blinked up at him innocently. "I don't know what you're referring to. Anyways, I brought something for you." She takes out a a small container from her sleeve.

Hua Yongrui was momentarily taken aback by her sweet gesture, before remembering that this wasn't his sweet little sister anymore.

He cautiously twists open the lid and inside it's revealed to be some sort of lubricant. Bringing it to his nose, he sniffs it carefully. "What's this?"

"It's for your activities later. It's so it won't hurt so much when you two fu–"

Hua Yuan startles so violently he nearly forgot there weren't any railings, and he could have fallen to his death. He cups San-mei's mouth with his hand and shushes her urgently.

He spares a glance at the door, praying to the heavens that Wanyin was fast asleep inside and didn't overhear a word. Hua Yuan blushes violently and whisper- shouts, "What the hell are you talking about!?"

San-mei removes his hand from her mouth and smirks, not explaining a thing. She begins to walk back to her room. "Oh and don't forget that the other houses aren't that far away from yours. So when you two do it tonight, try not to do it too loudly okay?"

Annoyance spikes in him and Hua Yongrui almost chooses to chase after her, but San-mei was already a good distance away and he didn't want to cause a commotion.

Defeated, Hua Yuan slaps his forehead and drags his hand down his face with a groan. When he returns inside, he's once again thrown off guard by the very attractive man in his room.

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