*elevator music continues*

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*the 'fandom' elevator stops but the door stays closed and continues to go up*
*author presses the buttons furiously but is unable to get the lift to stop.*

*author is unable to leave this metaphorical elevator and hence will literally be trapped in the MDZS fandom til the day they die*


Shit yeah. Here's a one shot which i promise is not more than ten chaps and will not turn into a full blown story.

I need season 2 of Tian Guan Ci Fu. I need it now.

-Mentions of death and probably blood.
-Angst, maybe. Okay, cross that, lots of angst and self-loathing.
-Swearing, but mostly from Jiang Cheng. And yes, knowing Jiang Cheng, he will use the F-bomb. And other angry swear words.

Jiang Cheng deserves a breakWhere stories live. Discover now