"What was that?! Who was that?!"(idk how to title chapters 💀)

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"I can take this mission Oliver."

Everyone looked at me kinda weirdly.


"No." Zack said to me.

"Why not!?" I protested.

"Because-..." He started in an angry voice, but then cut himself off.

"Because why?! Why can't I do it!? Do you think I'm not strong enough or something-"


"You do, don't you. You all think I'm weak, isn't that right?" I laughed.

'Wow, I can't believe it. I thought they believed in me...' I thought to myself.

"That's not it Nigel," Oliver started to say, but trailed off.

"Yes it is." I replied blankly and shortly.

"It's just... dangerous, and we don't want you getting hurt is all." Oliver avoided my eyes.

"Zack takes on all kinds of dangerous missions all the time! And so does everyone else!"

"This is different Nigel-" Zack started

"How!?" I cut him off.

"It's not the same poachers of this hunting ground, they're wild and they're dangerous." Zack turned to me and looked at me sternly.

Everyone was silent.

"Is this some kind of joke? Hahaha, w-wild demons? Haha!!!! Oh- Ahahaha! Oh god, that was a good one!" I laughed.

"Nigel, this is actually serious-" Zack tried but stopped when I stopped laughing and showed my real anger.

"Oh I'll show you... I'M NOT WEAK!!" I shouted at all of them and turned away.

I stomped off to my room and started getting my stuff ready. Lucas knocked on the door.


He came in with a worried look.

"Nigel..." He shut the door and walked over to me.


"No one thinks you're weak. You're not weak, no one said that. They're just worried."

"That's exactly what they're saying. I know I'm not weak, I'm just going to prove that to them." I said as I loaded and cocked my gun.

"Nigel-" He put his hand on my shoulder.

I jerked away and began packing my guns and bombs in my bag.

"Nigel, please listen to me, just hear what I have to say..."


"...What they said about the poachers is ture. They're wild and they're not the same ones as the ones in this hunting ground. They're dangerous, really dangerous. We just don't want you getting hurt is all. Even if Zack took this mission, he'd come back more than half dead Nigel. Maybe he wouldn't even make it back, it's that dangerous."

"..." I thought for a minute.

I started packing my bag with extra ammo and bombs.

"Nigel-" Lucas' voice cracked.

"I'm going."


I hooked my guns up to my backpack and put it on and started walking out.

I walked past everyone, walked out the door and slammed it behind me.

. . . . .

'DAMNIT!' A blonde haired boy ran as a wild beast-like demon chased him through the forest. He was shaking all over and could barely breathe at all. The demon growled loudly and started running faster, shaking the ground as it did. The light haired boy ran faster, stumbling as he did, then took a fast right turn into a bigger section of tall trees. The boy kept running as the demon stopped, sniffing the air. It then growled loud and ran to the right, faster than it did before.
As the demon continued to chase him, the boy kept running. The boy stumbled as the demons running feet shook the ground.
Another boy's, a dull haired boy's who made himself hidden, standing on a thick tree branch of a tall nearby tree, eyes narrowed sharply. Just as the light haired boy ran past the tree the dull haired boy was on, the dull haired boy jumped off the tree branch, aming his foot right for the demon's middle eye. As he hit his target, blood came spilling out of the demon's eye as it made a high-pitched sound as it was dying. The dull haired boy hit the demon with so much force, it knocked the demon off balance, and after the last sound it made, the boy jumped again onto the ground and ran off into the forest. The light haired boy turned around at the high-pitched sound and saw the demon was dead and stopped to catch his breath. He looked around for sight of anyone, but didn't see anything.


A/N: I don't know how to explain things in words very well, so don't mind that--

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