11 Years ago...

19 0 0

The blonde haired boy's eyes widened with shock and confusion.



"F-for 11 years?! H-how is that even p-possible?! How did you get here?! When Did you get here?! What-"

"I got shipped out younger..." Liam cut him off.


"I got shipped out at a very young age. This is the part of the forest I got shipped out to. The part of the forest Bayon and the others don't go. But it's still not safe here, but safer than any other part of the forest. There are still wild demons here though."

Nigel was still in shock and was very confused.

"Let me explain. 11 years ago I..."

. . . . . . . . . "Liam!"
"Hm?" A young, dull haired boy turned around at the sound of his name .
"Liam! Teacher called us inside, didn't you hear?" A little girl with blonde hair with a light purple headband ran up to her friend.
"Oh, she did? I guess I didn't hear her then." The little boy put down the flowers he was holding.
"What are the flowers for?" The girl asked.
"I was making a flower crown, but I guess I can't now.."
"Oh.." The blonde haired girl said sadly.
She fiddled with the ends of her plain, white, button up shirt. Then, her face lit up as she got an idea. "You can leave them here and you can keep making it when Teacher let's us back outside!" She smiled brightly.
"Yeah thanks Rin ." He smiled back.

"Alright everyone, calm down, I have announcement!" A dark haired woman, who the children call "Mama", called to the children around her. "This is your new baby brother, Leo!"
All the kids cheered.
"How old is he Mama?"
"He's only one year old!"
"Really?!" "Aww!" "He's so cute!"
"Rin, would you like to hold him?" Mama asked Rin.
"Can I!? Really!?"
"Yes of course!"
"Yay! Thank you Mama!"
The light haired girl had a sleeping Leo in her arms and she was beyond excited about it. The dull haired boy laughed.

~4 months later~

Liam's POV:

"Everyone, say goodbye to Rin, Liam and Leo, a foster family has chosen them 3!" Mama said.
Everyone cheered and said their goodbyes. Some had cried and some had wished us good luck with our new family.
Me and Rin were holding our suitcases and Mama was holding Leo, walking to the gate.
The gate opened up and we went through. The last thing I remember was seeing this giant monster and hearing Rin scream.

LiamWhere stories live. Discover now