Chapter 4: My Brother's Keeper

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Victoria and Hayley were standing in a barn at an abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere

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Victoria and Hayley were standing in a barn at an abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere. They were helping the hybrids that were loyal to Klaus break their sire bond but they had to leave the mansion since it was being used for the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. So...abandoned barn it is.

The girls watched as Kimberly, one of the hybrids they'd chained to the floor, struggled against her restraints as she started to turn. "Scream. Let it out. We're on an abandoned farm. No one can hear you for Miles." Hayley told the girl.

Kimberly rolled her eyes, "Easy for you to say, wolf girl. You never turned 20 times in a row." She all but growled.

"No, but I watched a bunch of your hybrid friends go through it." Hayley responded.

"Um...Hales, I doubt that it's the same thing to watch and not feel," Hayley gave Victoria a look, "Not the point, got it."

The female hybrid groaned as she fell to her knees. "Why does it have to be like this? Uhh! Why break every bone over and over?"

Victoria sighed, "That's what the sire Bond is," She began to tie another set of chains to the wall and connected it to Kimberley's restraints, "You're grateful to Klaus because he released you from the pain of having to turn every full moon. So you're gonna keep turning until it doesn't hurt. Then you'll have nothing to be grateful for."

"Uh! What's in all this for you?"

The two female wolves look at each other. They didn't need people butting into their plans. What they needed was for people to shut up and listen. Poking holes in their plans only leads to more blood being shed than needed. Also a huge ass mess that they'd need to clean, which Victoria doesnt really like doing. "I don't hear bones cracking."

The doors to the barn opened and the girls looked up to see Tyler entering after getting off the phone with his little blondie girlfriend about how to keep the Original living in Mystic Falls busy so they could free the hybrids. "Caroline bought us another day. Klaus wants to go with her to miss mystic falls tomorrow."

Hayley turned to the Lockwood with a smile, "So does that mean we're going?"

Tyler gave her a look. "Watching Klaus Fawn over Caroline at some lame-ass pageant?" He scoffed, "No, thanks."

Victoria looked at him pleadingly, "Come on. We need to hide what's going on here by pretending that I was the one that broke you two up, and besides, isn't it at your house? Plus I kinda really want to wear a beautiful dress and feel rich." She ended with a shrug.

Kimberley spoke up, reminding the trio that she was still there. "Guys, like this isn't torture enough? Can you take it outside?"

Tyler sighed. "Fine. We'll go. Wear a dress" The two girls smiled excitingly at each other.

"You are like, the best friend ever, Ty. As you know, I will most definitely be roasting people and cracking jokes, so get used to it right now." Victoria said, causing both of her friends to chuckle.

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