Long Way Back From Hell

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Hayley and Victoria were sitting in Victoria's room

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Hayley and Victoria were sitting in Victoria's room. They were talking about Klaus and Rebekah missing. They just disappeared after the party and nobody knew where they were.

Hayley was also there, considering she heard about Victoria passing out and she was making sure she was ok. Victoria had just been tired from the very eventful day she had and her body forced her to sleep.

"Hayley!" They heard Elijah call out.

They turned their heads to the sound. Hayley got up and pulled Victoria with her. "Hold on, he only called you, not me."

Hayley rolled her eyes, "Well that's too bad, because I'm not leaving your side because of what happened yesterday and you have a tendency to get in trouble."

"Liar. No I don't." Victoria glared at her friend.

"Would you like me to start from the beginning of the trouble you've gotten into since coming here?" Hayley asked her. Victoria stayed quiet. "Exactly. Lets go."

The girls made their way to the room Elijah was in, "Elijah! You're back. Did you find any–" Hayley began, but she paused as she took in his appearance...he was shirtless and covered in tattoos. "–thing? What is happening?"

"You know, I've always found guys with tattoos pretty sexy, probably why I slept with your brother. So...good for you Elijah, you might get laid by Hayley." Victoria said, dodging a hit that Hayley aimed at the back of her head. She stuck her tongue out at the wolf.

Elijah ignored the Moore girl's statement, "I need you both to make a list of these names."

Hayley and Victoria got to work, examining his body. Hayley seemed to be into it, which Victoria caught. 'Oh my God. Jump his bones' Victoria mouthed when she was behind the vampire. Hayley rolled her eyes.

There were names written all over him, his shoulders, muscular arms, back, and abdomen. Hayley noticed a familiar name, "Sabine?"

Victoria felt the need to make another joke with a teasing smile, "Ooooh lala, Suits. Would have never pegged you for the kind to tattoo another woman's name on your body. Hey, not judging...when you're committed, you're committed." Making Elijah chuckle at her antics.

Hayley shook her head at Victoria with a smile before getting back on track, "Elijah, what is this?"

Elijah glanced at her, "I believe they represent the names of the women Celeste inhabited for the past two centuries."

Marcel rejoined them and handed the paper and pen to Hayley. "It's called a Devinette. It's old school. Kind of a riddle. Witches use them to teach their kids. Solve it and it disappears."

"Why? What's the point?" Victoria asked.

"Celeste forced me to make a choice between yourself and my siblings," He said, looking at Victoria, "and now she means to mock that choice, taunting me with a childish game. The longer the game, the more they suffer. To find Klaus and Rebekah, we need to solve this riddle. The solution lies somewhere in these names."

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