Le Grand Guignol

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After she had helped Hayley move Celeste's body to the Bayou, Victoria got a call from Elijah telling her to come to the compound urgently

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After she had helped Hayley move Celeste's body to the Bayou, Victoria got a call from Elijah telling her to come to the compound urgently. He told her what had become of Nik and that he needed her help to contain him. She had said her goodbyes to the Marshall girl, and quickly made her way to meet with the Original.

Victoria rushed into the compound a little bit worried for her child's father. The other vampires glanced at her, confused as to how she would be able to help. "What's she doing here?" One vampire asked.

That caught Elijah's attention, "Victoria!" He gestured for her to enter the room, "Please."

"How come you called me? I have to help the wolves with Hayley, unless you can go help her?" Victoria asked. She didn't know what Elijah wanted her to do about the whole Nik situation.

Elijah nodded, "I can try, but first, I need your help."

Victoria sighed and agreed. "So, what do you want me to do?"

"My brother has a mystical torture device buried in his chest." Elijah told her.

Victoria gave him a look, "Elijah you've told me this on the phone now tell me what I have to do to help him."

Elijah led Victoria to Nik's bedroom where laid looking pale and in pain. "Oh my god....You look terrible, hon." She told him, causing him to finally look up at her. Once he saw her face, he felt relieved that the wolf was safe. He weakly smiled and rolled his eyes, in too much pain to say anything back to her.

Victoria looked at Elijah, "So let me get this straight. The dagger the witch gave Cami is inside of him?"

Elijah removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeve. "And every second it remains causes Niklaus untold suffering."

Victoria looked confused for a second, "So who stabbed him? I doubt anyone is brave enough to do that, unless they're family..." She looked up at the original vampire who gave her a look.

Elijah shrugged, "I did, and now I intend to remove it. You might want to take a step back."

Victoria raised an eyebrow, "OK, so, why am I here? Because wouldn't there be better people to help than his pregnant one night stand?"

"Because of all the people that could be here, you're probably the only one he wouldn't immediately slaughter." Elijah took out a scalpel, using it to slice into Nik along the red scar on his stomach. "Also, he speaks of you", He plunged his hand into Nik's chest, "With what is a rare degree--for him, at least--of respect. I can see you challenge him to see himself and others in a new light. As well as how he looks at you." He finally pulled the knife out of Klaus' chest, and the hybrid groaned in agony.

Elijah turned to face the pregnant werewolf, "A wonderful kill that I shall be counting on very shortly. You see, Niklaus will be weak as he recovers. So, watch over him and feed him, if you would. But slowly, please, and from your wrist."

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