Dance Back from the Grave

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Hayley and Victoria were in Davina's bedroom, sitting on her bed, looking through her drawings. Elijah walked in the room, "There you are."

The girls looked up to see him staring at Hayley who smiled, "Here I am."

Victoria looked between the two, "I'm here too, guys." Hayley and Elijah looked at her and Victoria smiled at them awkwardly. Hayley chuckled.

Elijah gestured to the sketches, "Davina's drawings."

"Yeah. Morbid, we know." Hayley said.

Victoria shrugged, "I was just thinking, we never figured out why she drew those pictures of Celeste." She shrugged, "Anyway, We're just killing time, now that we're on vampire lockdown."

"Whoever did this, we will deal with them. It won't be long." Elijah assured them.

"Hey, I'm not worried. As long as those people don't come after me and my daughter." Victoria said.

Hayley looked up, "I just think it's kind of funny that it took some big, supernatural threat for you to even come into the same room as me." Hayley told him.

Elijah sighed, "I do apologize if you feel neglected. I have been occupied. My siblings are in some quarrel. Niklaus remains agitated." He started before he looked at Victoria, "You'll recall that even our slightest interactions seem to infuriate him."

Victoria furrowed her eyebrows, "Ok, now I get all of that, but, why is he upset that I get along with you? Shouldn't he be glad that as the mother of his child, I should get along with his family?"

Elijah smiled at her, "Seems as if Niklaus has some feelings that he should need to sort out for the time being."

Hayley rolled her eyes, "So Klaus is a dick, and you want to be a good big brother. So we can't hang out. That sum it up?" Elijah didn't answer, but the look on his face gave it away, "I get it, Elijah. It just seems like a really crappy deal."

Elijah nodded and walked out of the room. Hayley quickly turned to face Victoria, "Did you hear that?'

Victoria looked at her friend confused, then she looked around, "Hear what? I don't hear anything."

Hayley scoffed, "Elijah just said that Klaus might like you."

"What? No he didn't. He said that he got problems he needs to work out."

Hayley rolled her eyes, "Really? You know for a smart person, sometimes you're really dumb."

Victoria nodded, "Yeah, I get that a lot."

"And for good reason" Hayley said teasingly so Victoria knew she was joking. "Clearly if he's getting upset at you and Elijah being buddy-buddy, He's being overprotective and territorial."

"Well, Hayley, wolves are naturally territorial."

Hayley pinched the bridge of her nose, "Yes, we are naturally territorial...over things that we perceive or are ours. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

Victoria thought for a few seconds until she realized what Hayley was trying to say. Is she saying that he likes me? She thought to herself.

She decided to keep playing dumb until Hayley said what she needed to say. Hayley sighed deeply, "Klaus is a wolf. If he is acting territorial over you...then clearly he sees you as his."

Victoria nodded, "Hayley, that might just be because I was impregnated with his magical miracle baby."

Hayley shrugged, "All I'm saying is, maybe it's not just the baby he cares about. Maybe he cares a lot about her mother too." She finished with a smirk before she left the room, leaving Victoria to think.

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