The ninth unexplained mystery of the world!

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When the security guard saw us, he gave me a puzzled look. I told him that I had ran into an old friend while searching for the animals who just so happened to be taking the same flight as me. But before I could say more...

"Oh, your flight left about an hour ago." The security guard explained.


I stood there shocked at this horrible news. We've missed our flight. I couldn't catch the animals in time so we missed our flight. How could I have let this happen?

"Hey, Foodgiver." Jisoo called out, completely forgetting that there was a security guard near by. "Don't feel bad about this. Even though we didn't go to the fun places you were talking about, we still had a good time here." The others nodded in agreement.

I looked at the security guard who was rubbing his eyes repeatedly.

"Is there something wrong, sir?" I asked.

"No. Nothing at all, ma'am. Everything is fine. Um, where did you find the last rabbit?" He asked so that the conversation would change.

"Oh. I found him at the bookstore."

"Bookstore? We don't have a bookstore." He said with a confused face.

"Huh? But there was-"

"Never mind. I think it's time for my break." He said as he started to walk away.

I sighed and looked at the others. "You guys ready to go?" I asked.

"But we haven't eaten yet." Said Jisoo as he peeked at me through the kennel bars.

"I'll grab something on the way home." I said, not wanting a replay of what happened today. I let them all out of their kennels and they all climbed back into the basket. "Jiwoo? Are you going to turn back?" I asked.

"Are you mad? In front of all these people?"

There he goes again.

"You're not making it very fair for all of us, bunny." Jiyeon made a face at Jiwoo.

"Not my problem, dumb cat." Jiwoo crossed his arms like a child.

"Hey! Don't discriminate against us cats!" Jisoo scowled.

"Eddie, they're being noisy again." Said Jieun, still looking a bit drowsy.

"Pay no attention to them, Young Master." Jihae spoke gently.

"Are you two bad-mouthing us again?" Jisoo asked.

"Oh boy..." I just sighed and started to walk towards the exit.

And so, our day of "Adventure" came to an end. Even if it didn't turn out the way I had planned, I'm glad that everyone enjoyed themselves.

And even though it was stressful, I'd be lying if I said I regretted coming out here. I got to spend time with my loving family. And that's what's important.

The End.

To the Airport! (A Dandelion Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now