And a What

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"You did what?"

"Please don't laugh at me," Wolfie said, knowing there were eyes on him full well. "And not so loud."

"I'm not." The teacher lowered his voice. "But hasn't anyone told you this is perfectly normal for monsters with strength capabilities."

"If you haven't noticed, it's not the full moon," Wolfie said.

The teacher stared blankly at his face and then, "Oh."

"Please don't say anything," Wolfie muttered. "I mean, to anyone not in charge of disciplining."

"It was an accident, right?"


"And you came to tell me right away?"


"Then it's not a big deal. I mean, this is part of teaching a bunch of hormonal teenagers who are monsters. As long as there aren't any fights as the reason, it's part of learning to control your own strength."

"I guess."

"Now, take a seat, Asmodeus."

"Wolfie," he corrected.

"Oh. I see."

"I'll sit now," Wolfie went and sat down, trying to ignore Hector and his friends. They were off in a corner by turning to stare out the window, wanting to go home already and get away from it all, mainly since Hector's friends were obviously already talking to him.

And ignore him, he would have, had something not hit him in the back of the head before hitting the floor with a soft thud. His eyes widened before he turned to look at the paper, trying to block out the fact whispers were going on that were making his ears itch from hearing snags of the conversation. He turned, reaching down, and unwrapped the paper, frowning as he did so.

"You'd have better not have tattled on me."

Wolfie felt his mouth twitch before reaching into his bag, pulling out a maker, and writing, "I tattled on myself."

He chucked it back at Hector, hitting him squarely in the head, his ears picking up the sounds people made when someone dared to do something which could possibly instigate a fight. He turned, looking upfront noticing the teacher standing there smiling like an idiot as if nothing had happened, but then the bell rang.

And this time, when the paper ball came back, he let himself react instinctively, thoroughly irritated with Hector, before opening up the paper ball letter.

"What the fuck did you do?"

His body tensed, and he responded, using the marker, a stark contrast to Hector's pencil. "You're the one who said you wanted me to leave you alone, Spector, so fuck off!"

This time, the paper ball hit Hector square in the forehead, and Wolfie went back to looking upfront, frustrated that he could hear the mumblings of Hector and his friends growing, along with Hector scribbling a response. He'd planned on catching it in the air again, not in the mood for whatever game Hector was playing with him.


The bell rang, and the teacher stepped out from behind his desk and started walking towards them, making Wolfie turn his head slightly to see him walk right over to Hector, grabbing his wrist before he could throw the ball back, forcing him to drop it. And then he opened it and read it. "Since the bell's rung, please, no more passing of letters."

He then walked up to the front, standing there saying nothing. "So. I think today I want to do a bit of a get-to-know-you kind of thing. So we can all learn each other's names." He placed a hand on his chin. "What kind of question or activity should I have to go with telling each other your names."

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