awake (stop pt.2). peter parker

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your eyelids felt heavy when you woke again, trying to grasp your whereabouts you forced your eyes open, squinting at the bright light that followed. you felt an ache growing in your whole body as you became more aware of your situation.

suddenly you remembered, not much, but enough. you remembered his face just before you blacked out. you remembered his cries for you to stop.

you shot up quickly out of bed. "peter?" you called out, your voice hoarse and quiet, your throat was so dry you found yourself coughing to try and catch your breath. everything was so bright, it was hurting your eyes. you took in your surroundings quickly. you heard an incessant beeping right down your ear, you felt the wires plugged into your arms. you were starting to panic now. what had happened?

"y/n— stop— calm down," you heard a familiar voice.

stop, you don't know what you're doing, please

his voice echoed in your mind, you saw yourself standing over peter, who was curled up bloodied and bruised. your eyes widened, feeling two hands either side of you, touching your shoulders. the vision vanished from your mind as you returned to your surroundings. you shoved the hands away, backing up in a panic as you came out of whatever you'd just seen.

"it's me," your eyes moved to where the voice had come from. tony stood at your bed side, his hands held up defensively. your chest was heaving, your lip quivering. you couldn't think how you got here. you were racking your brain but nothing came to mind but that vision of peter's face. "it's tony," his voice was clear and reassuring to hear. "you ok? how you feeling? talk to me."

"i'm— i'm thirsty," you croaked, clutching your throat. tony mumbled an i gotcha before pouring you a glass of water and handing it to you. as you sipped, you noticed steve standing in the doorway and nat on the other side of your bed. you handed your empty cup back to tony, eyeing up the three of them who were all watching you too intently for your liking.

"better?" nat's voice barely above a whisper. you nodded carefully, trying to figure out what was going on.

"why am i in here?" you frowned when nat looked down at her feet. she couldn't keep eye contact for too long without feeling massive waves of guilt. your eyes shifted between the three of them before settling on tony. "w—where's peter?"

tony grimaced when you said his name, your frown deepening. no. your heart was pounding in your chest now. surely not. no body made any effort to answer either of your questions.

"wha— i don't— where is he? is he hurt? what's wrong why aren't you saying anything— i want to see peter—" you cut yourself off, choking on the lump growing in your throat. tony looked despaired, you couldn't help but rush to the worst case scenario when you had nobody telling you the truth.

"listen— you've been through a lot," cap spoke up for the first time, he also found it hard to look at you for too long. your frowned disappeared. peter must be in bad shape, or worse. "you really need to rest before you see anyone else."

you shook your head, your lip quivering. "what's happening? i— i don't understand— please just tell me— i need to know he's ok," your voice shaking. "please," you begged.

please remember
please i won't hurt you

your eyes widened, tears forming when you saw peters face flash back in your mind. you gulped. you could feel it coming back to you the longer you focused on his face.

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