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Hi! I'm back, sort of early, with another chapter! I'm leaving tomorrow to go see some relatives so I wanted to get the chapter out before this weekend. Quick reminder, with the existence of Siren, and now Banshee, the designations for the team will slightly be off. I'm not sure if it'll come up in the fic, but just in case anyone is curious, Sam's designation is B-two-three seeing as he joins after Wonder Girl and before Blue Beetle.



January 5, 17:09 EST

"Dude, do you think we could grab something to eat before we take this guy out? I could go for some fries right now."

"No, Sam."

He wrinkled his nose at Karen's deadpan stare. "Fine." He then shoved his hands in his pockets to keep them warm, bracing himself against the bitter wind.

They, along with Jaime, were quickly approaching Bibbo's Diner. Apparently, the owner–the diner's namesake–had been acting strangely for a while. And as it turned out, Bibbo was one of the hostages taken and then subsequently rescued by Sam's squad in New Orleans.

He wasn't the only one though, so the League had Siren and Nightwing send out squads to locate the masquerading aliens. Sam's squad, which consisted of him, Karen, and Jaime, had the orders to go to Metropolis and apprehend the Krolotean posing as Bibbo. All they had to do was capture it and bring it back to be interrogated. Simple enough.

A bell chimed as Sam entered the diner, holding the door open to let his teammates into the warm building. While he did, he got a good look at their suspect.

"Sit anywhere, kids."

'Bibbo' was behind the counter, acting relatively normal as he approached them with a few menus. That is, until he got a good look at who they were.

His calm demeanor changed to one of fright as he backed away. Before they could react, he jumped off the edge of the counter, through the service window, and into the kitchen.

Great. Sam exchanged a look with his squad before vaulting over the counter. Throwing the kitchen door open, he sprinted through the room, weaving between racks to pursue the fake Bibbo. Karen and Jaime were hot on his heels as he slammed into the side door that the Krolotean had just run out of.

As Sam sprinted down the snow-covered alley, a small bug-like thing flew by. He knew it to be Karen, the woman having shrunk out of her civilian clothing to chase after their suspect faster. Jaime had also changed, his armor simply appearing over his clothing before he took off with his own set of wings.

Sam grumbled as he pushed himself to run faster. What I would give to have cool costume changes like that.

The Krolotean had jumped over panels sealing off half of the alley, but Sam didn't need to worry about trying to find a way over as Blue had simply rammed through it. All Sam had to do was make sure he didn't trip. But they still hadn't caught up to the Krolotean.

Luckily enough, they didn't have to.

Stepping out of another part of the alley where he had been waiting was the real Bibbo, punching the fake Bibbo in the face to knock him flat on his back.

"There's only one Bibbo," the man grunted, "and don't you forget it."

Sam let out a low whistle as he skidded to a stop, almost slipping on an icy patch. "Nice hit."

He looked down at the robot's open torso where the Krolotean was screeching. He was mad, no doubt cursing them in his language. And he wasted no time in escaping.

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