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Hi! Quick explanation for this chapter before we get started. Since this episode goes back and forth between Red Arrow's intervention and Superboy's mission, it's going to be handled a little differently. So don't be confused when it's all of Siren's POV first, it'll make more sense later on.


Washington D.C.

February 13, 22:00 EST

Siren was in a bad mood.

She hadn't been prepared to see Kaldur again a couple of weeks ago, especially not on Malina Island. Since then, her emotions were all over the place.

She had to remind herself where her priorities needed to lie with helping Nightwing lead the team and finding time to spend one-on-one with Sam, all while starting her last semester of college. And after that mission, everything seemed to be going wrong.

At least she could find time to clear her head by driving around on her motorcycle at night. The blistering wind shocked her body enough for her to focus on that and only that.

Green Arrow's voice coming through her comm interrupted her peace though. "I found him. And it's worse than we thought."

Dammit. Siren gritted her teeth. Glancing down to check her GPS for the pre-set coordinates, she made a sharp turn down another road. It only took about ten minutes of driving—which was easier than trying to find another Zeta-Tube—before she reached the building they planned to meet Red Arrow at.

After ditching her bike in an alley, she zipped up to the top with her grappling hook. The others were there and waiting, having met up after scouring the city as she had been. There was Nightwing, of course, plus Black Canary. And Jim Harper was there, who was known as Roy's 'uncle' when in reality, it turned out he was an older clone of the original Speedy.

Then there was Wally.

Siren missed having him and Artemis on the team, but she understood their wishes to go to college and live a relatively normal life. It was something she almost could see herself doing, but she wouldn't give up being a hero for anything.

It did make time management a bit stressful though.

"Hey, Jen," the speedster said as soon as Siren immediately wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

She said nothing for a moment as she just enjoyed the warm embrace. The thermal leggings disguised as her usual fishnets could only do so much. Letting out a long breath, she stepped back.

"How're classes going?" she asked.

"Don't ask. How's graduation prep going?"

Siren managed a wry grin. "Don't ask," she echoed.

"So this is where Red Arrow lives now?"

Siren glanced over at Nightwing when he spoke. "Actually, it's a couple of buildings down. But Green Arrow tracked his route before and he goes in this direction almost every time."

At that moment, Green Arrow appeared. "He'll be here any second."

Siren sighed. She hadn't seen Red in several months. She wanted to see him again, but she was worried about what she would see.

She joined Nightwing and Wally as they slipped behind a brick stairwell that led into the apartments below. They discussed it prior, and they all agreed upon Green Arrow's desire to approach Red Arrow first to hopefully keep him from bolting at first glance.

Siren felt like she could do the job too, but Red had never been the same since that day five years ago when the truth about who...what he was came to light. Lately, none of us have been.

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