The Fix

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Alright, here we go. Shit's about to go down. It's going to be a mostly original chapter with certain canon scenes mixed in, and I hope you enjoy it! Also, I have a question that I really could use some feedback on from a reader's perspective so please read the author's note at the end! <3 (Also I made a new fic cover! Check it out!)



April 9, 00:20 MDT

Siren strode into the room of the STAR Labs facility with Miss Martian, taking a mental roll call of the people who had gathered when Nightwing called. Something to do about a stranger who helped Alpha Squad escape the LexCorp farm they were assigned to investigate.

"Good, you're here," her co-leader said once they approached the group.

"What's this about?" Siren fell straight into her role as leader, crossing her arms as she looked over to examine the...Green...Beetle sitting in the middle of the room.

"Well, we're hoping Miss M can help us figure that out. This Green Beetle seemed to be on the side of the angels when Alpha Squad met him, but we can't be too careful."

Siren's eyes narrowed. "Yeah, you'd know about being too careful, wouldn't you," she muttered.

She ignored Nightwing's immediate 'what?' as she turned to face Miss Martian. "Can you handle it?" she asked carefully, watching her friend in concern.

Miss Martian looked hesitant, but she nodded either way. She looked over at the metaphorical elephant in the room and approached him cautiously.

"I'm not very comfortable with this," she admitted as Siren edged closer to keep a worried eye on her psychic teammate. "Delving into your mind, it- it is an intrusion."

Since Siren had been told everything that Miss Martian did, it all made so much sense as to why her teammate had been so wary to delve into people's minds since freeing the hostages on the Reach ship. She didn't blame Miss M and had made sure that she understood that, but she could still see what had changed in the Martian woman. And Siren just wanted to make sure she was okay.

"You have my permission," the Green Beetle assured. "We must be able to trust each other."

He then gave what looked to be an extremely poor attempt at a comforting smile, but it only made Miss Martian recoil with a sharp intake of breath. Siren's nose wrinkled in unease as well.

"Does my smile displease?" Green Beetle wondered, the wide, grotesque grin still plastered on his face. "Is this not how humans display friendship and put each other at ease?" Not when it looks like that.

"There has to be another way," Superboy growled.

The leaders glanced back at him, one with more curiosity than the other.

"Look, I'm not sure what the Martian etiquette is here, but Green Beetle is right. We need to trust each other," Nightwing pointed out. "Which means we need to confirm he is who he says he is."

"Not if M'gann isn't comfortable with doing it," Siren sharply vetoed, glaring at Nightwing's questioning gaze.

"Miss M is our only real option," he countered.

Siren crossed her arms, looking away with a frown. She made accidental eye contact with Superboy but thought nothing of it.

"Go for it, Angelfish," Lagoon Boy encouraged his girlfriend. "Reading this guy will be a piece of crab cake."

"Please, proceed with the mind link," Green Beetle agreed.

Siren's hand on her bicep tightened as she took a step forward. Forget it. They're starting to pressure her when she clearly doesn't want to do it. We'll find another way.

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