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Here we go...time for a reunion. How do you guys think it's going to go?


The Watchtower

May 30, 20:04 EDT

Even though she had made up her mind, Siren was nervous. Knowing that she was about to make the biggest decision since forming the team five years ago, she couldn't help but pace. "I know it's late, so I appreciate you giving us time to talk, Captain."

"What is this about, Siren?" Captain Atom asked the young woman.

Siren drew in a deep breath, closing her eyes to steady herself. She knew that the moment the words left her mouth, there was no going back. I need to do this.

She opened her eyes, looking directly at Captain Atom. "I'm tendering my resignation as team leader. Effective immediately."

"What?!" She didn't look Nightwing's way even after his outburst.

At the same time, the Captain's eyes went wide. "Jenna...are you sure?" he wondered after schooling his expression.

That time, Siren did look in Nightwing's direction but didn't linger. "With everything that's taken place in the last year, it's not a role that I can take on anymore without further damaging myself nor impacting the team with choices I may make," she explained.

She shoved her hands in her pockets with a frown. "That's not all though. Nightwing came to you recently about what he has been doing with Kaldur, yes?" She already knew the answer, but wanted to hear him confirm it anyway.

"Yes. About Aqualad's undercover mission for the last year."

Siren nodded. "Good," she said. "Because I want you to know that once it's all said and done...after the mission is complete, whether that be a success or a failure..."

She finally locked eyes with Nightwing. "I'm leaving the team."



June 13, 20:30 EDT

The next couple of weeks were a whirlwind. Since giving up her position as team leader, Jenna was hardly seen in the HQ. After all, she had been going out on team missions less and less so there wasn't much of a point anymore. But she kept to her word so when Nightwing called with a message from Kaldur, she didn't hesitate to meet with him.

"Talk," Jenna said once she entered the warehouse.

Nightwing turned around in his chair, looking at her. "There's going to be a summit," he started. "Between the Light and the Reach. Kaldur has been given the responsibility of providing security."

Jenna realized what he was implying, crossing her arms in thought. "So it's now or never," she mused.

Nightwing nodded. "He and Artemis already have a plan in motion, but it's going to take the rest of us to ensure that it doesn't end badly."

Jenna leaned against the computer desk, running her hands down her face with a long sigh. This is it. "When's the summit?" she asked.

Her co-leader...former co-leader...was oddly quiet. "In a week."

A week until I'm done here. She knew that Nightwing was thinking the exact same thing judging by the look on his face. "Don't," she said weakly.


"No!" Jenna immediately stood, covering her ears as if it would solve her problems. "I don't want to hear it, Dick. I've made up my mind."

She was then turned around against her will as Nightwing grabbed her wrists, immobilizing her.

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