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High school AU:
Wooyoung: top, popular, attractive, a total charmer, kind (not a douchey jock, but still a jock none the less)
San: bottom, Attractive, smart, could be popular but he only keeps a small group of close friends.

Sans POV:

"Come on please. I promise if it's boring we can leave, but let's at least go check it out" Jongho said to me. Trying his best to convince me to go to this party.

"I'm not going. Those are the kind of parties that you get your drink spiked at" I said taking all of my stuff out of my locker and closing it, walking away from Jongho.

"But they are also the kind of parties that you have the time of your life at. Come on, we have never gone to a party together..." He said closing his locker and running up beside me. Taking a pause in his sentence to think. "Wooyoung is going to be there"He said. My eyes lit up a bit at the name as I turned to him. "You have had the biggest crush on him for years now. This is a chance to get to know him better"

"You promise that if I want to leave we can leave. You won't try and keep us there" I said slowly giving into the idea of it.

"Yes! I promise~" He said grabbing hold of my arm with a grin on his face.

"Okay fine. When is it?" I said

"Tonight. We should get there around 8 ish so we aren't the first people but also so that the night hasn't died down yet" He said.

"Tonight?!?! That's so soon what am I going to wear!" I said whisper yelling so I didn't get dirty looks in the hallway for being loud.

"You always know how to look fabulous I'm sure 3 hours will be enough time for you to get ready" He said holding the front door of the school open for me. "I'll meet you at your place at 7:40
And then we can walk there together"

"Ok, wait where is it?"

"It's at Seonghwa's house, it's like 7 blocks away from yours"

"Got it. By the way how did you even get invited to this party?" I asked.

"I have my connections. Don't you worry"

"HAHAHAHAH. You barely hang out with anyone other than me. You can't fool your best friend. I've known you since being baby's" I said laughing

"HEY! I just don't mention them around you so I don't hurt your ego" He said crossing his arms and looking up and too the side.

"I guess you can get one of your other friends to drive you home then Mr. popular" I said lightly shoving him before sprinting to my car and locking the doors so he can't get in.

I was only a little faster and was able to lock the doors just before he caught me.

"I'm sorry ok just let me in please I don't want to walk home!" He said tapping on my window and begging.

"Ok fine. Since you apologized I'll let you in" I said with sarcastic bitterness and unlocked the doors.

"Thank you" He said getting into the passenger side seat and buckling his seat belt.

Once I dropped him off at his house (which is like 2 blocks away from mine) I went home to get ready for the party.

My parents have always tried to encourage me to go out and get in that "high school party experience". Just make sure I went with a good friend and was safe, so the agreed to me going pretty easily. It was a Friday so it's not like I had school the next day.

I went up to my room took a shower and went through my closet trying to figure out what to wear.

'How much skin should I show...' I thought as I sifted through my closet. 'Screw it, it's a high school party this is my chance to flaunt just a little'

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