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Seungmin X Hyunjin - Angst, MafiaAu
Hyunjin - Mafia bosses son
Seungmin - photography major

TW: blood, death, suicide

Not proof read. I honestly think this is my worst story ever written and has such a confusing plot. But that's what you get at 3am 👍🏼

In a house with a high ceiling and a large chandelier. Dark hardwood floors, white walls, and marble and gold accent furniture.

His hand reached at his hip to pull out the gun. Aimed it straight for the man's head.

"Why did I get you! If you were different we could have been normal! I would be happy! I could choose who I want and don't want to love! Every time that I have someone that makes me happy, you- you- you ruin it!" He yelled at the man. Tears poring down his face, wiping them with his right hand. In his left still holding the gun at the man steadily.

"Hyunjin put down the gun. You don't want to do this. I'm sure you can talk it out" Seungmin said, as calm as he could. Held Hyunjins hand that was previously wiping his tears. Seungmin gently wiped away his tears and cupped his face.

"I don't think talking things out is in his vocabulary. You ever wonder how my mom died? This mother fucker shot her. She got pulled along to a raid. He caught someone and started torturing him for information. She couldn't handle watching this man get punched and cut and god knows what else. She tried to interfere and got shot by her own husband" Hyunjin explained. His gaze not wavering from his dad.

"If you do this you will be no better than your dad Hyunjin. I know your angry and upset at him. But killing someone... it will forever be on your consensus. Please love. Don't do it"

"You should listen to him boy-" Hyunjins dad said.

"OH SHUT UP" Seungmin yelled. That was the first time Hyunjin ever heard him yell like that. "Hyunjin. If you did this..." 'I wouldn't be able to stay with a murderer' Seungmin thought to him self and decided to not continue. Not wanting to stress him out more than he already was.

"I don't know everything you have gone through. I don't know what your relationship with your dad is. But, you know I love you, I love you so so much. I'm sure you and your dad can work something out. Wether it be fixing your relationship, or completely splitting ways, no strings attached. Whatever you choose I would stick by you the whole way" Seungmin let go on Hyunjin's face.

"Oh my gosh all of this positive thoughts and love is making me sick" His dad chipped in and pull out a gun and pointed it at Seungmin. "You know Hyunjin, I can't have just anyone out there knowing my name, all the things I've done, and knows what I look like. It's a shame really, he's quite handsome."

"Don't you fucking dare" Hyunjin said to his dad, but he seemed to ignore his comment.

"Who knows. Maybe we can taxidermy him for you" His dad said to Hyunjin. Hyunjin grabbed Seungmins hand and pulled him behind him.

"If you shoot him I'll shoot you" Hyunjin said shakily.

"Oh Hyunjin, we have this talk after every time one of them dies. You end up sobbing and never shooting me. This time won't be different son. You know why. It's cuz you are still the same pussy you have been your whole life. Look at your sister. She can do it. So why can't you. Anyways it was nice meeting you Seungmin, safe travels" His father fired the gun.

This whole time Hyunjin honestly didn't know if he would be able to do it. But when he heard the gun fire he pulled on the trigger. His dads bullet went straight by Hyunjin's head. Not hitting anything but the wall behind him. As soon as Hyunjin had fired his shot he heard a third shot from behind them. He watched as his bullet went straight in between his dads ribs.

Hyunjin felt a weight against his back and turned around. Seungmin had fallen to the ground. Blood pouring out from in between his back shoulder blades. Looking up he saw his sister standing in the doorway with a gun then walking out. 'The third shot'

"Seungmin, nonononono. I'm sorry I'm so sorry" Hyunjin held onto his face as his eyes fluttered open and closed, sobbing as he said some of his last words to him.

"She was going to shoot you, she aimed for your left arm with the gun- I moved so it would hit me not you. That's why your dad missed me..." Seungmin said with a pained smile and lifted his arm slowly to wipe Hyunjin's tears.

"You could have moved out of the way from my dad and my sister. I would have been fine. It wouldn't have been fatal, you- you- I love you so much you dumb ass. Why would you do that. I- I would have healed. But yo-" Hyunjin started to ramble. Panic setting in.

"I love you so much too Jinnie. But it's ok, I would have died anyways. But now I die knowing you we're unharmed" He said with a smile.

"Died anyways?!?! You would have Ben fine, at worst I would have had to amputate my arm" Hyunjin said trying to smile for Seungmin, but failing. The tears consuming his face.

"I was going to tell you soon but. I have cancer... I had 2 weeks left. And when you said we're going to come here and have a dinner with you dad... I kinda assumed it would end badly. So I have said all my goodbyes to everyone. Your mom has some gifts and a letter for you. I've only known you for 3 months, but you made them my best last few months" Seungmin said, his eyes getting heavier.

Hyunjin started crying harder. He could see that the life was slowly fading from him. His pants and hands becoming blood soaked from holding Seungmin.

"I love you so much. I hope you don't feel any guilt for this. It was all my choice. And I couldn't have chosen anyone better to be with in my last moments"
Seungmin said, leaning in for one last kiss.

They held it till Hyunjin no longer felt Seungmin's breath fanning over his face.

"Good night Minnie. I love you so much" Hyunjin got up from his place and went upstairs. Put on clean clothes and called the police on the landline. Reported 2 murders and fled the house. Hyunjin went over to Seungmins parents. They greeted him with heavy smiles and hugs. They brought him to Seungmins room with the gifts and letters. They west out to the living room and gave him peace. Hyunjin spent the next few months living with Seungmins parents.

Even though Hyunjin believed his father liked his sister more. Hyunjin got all of his money in the will. His sister took over the mafia.

Hyunjin bought and appartement for himself. He gifted money generously to Seungmins parents.

4year time skip. Exactly 4years since Seungmin died.

Hyunjin stood on the rooftop of his 40 story apartment building.

"You know Seungmin, I tried. I really tried for you. But you were my everything. Without you, the songs we loved together only hurt. Every night I think back to the feeling of holding you in my arms. Wishing you were with me. I prayed. Prayed for you to come back to me. But it's useless. All I can do is pray so that when I die I can go to the same place as you. And I think I'm ready to join you. Please welcome me with open arms. I can't wait to see you again" Hyunjin took a step backwards, and let gravity pull him down.

I'm sorry. This sorry is
A) not proof read
B) Written at 3am
C) Has a terrible plot. Probably my worst story ever written.
So if you actually made it through that whole thing congratulations 🥳 I applaud you 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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