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"Appa Appa look what I made!" A little boy called out to a suntanning Changbin. He groaned as he sat upright, from his previously laying position.

The little boy pulled him by his hand over to the collection of sand castles.

"Oh wow Christopher~ it looks so good!" Changbin said to his son.

"Stay here and guard the castle! I want to go grab Daddy and uncle Bang to show them too~" Christopher said running off in the direction of Felix. Kicking up sand with every step.

Changbin watched him run off until he tripped and fell face first in the sand. His parental instincts kicked in as he was about to go run and see if he was ok, but Christopher stood up before Changbin could start running.

"UNCLE BANG" He took in another large deep breath. "DADDY~ I WANT TO SHOW YOU MY CASTLE!" He yelled at them, almost tripping again.

"Okay okay we are coming!" Felix yelled and started to run at his kid. Once he reached Christopher he picked him up from under his arms and spun him around and placed him back down into the warm sand.

"Wow! This looks amazing mini me!" Bang chan said ruffling up his hair.

"I want to keep building more! Will you help me" He said tugging on chans hand.

"I would be happy to help!" Chan and mini chan got to work.

Felix and Changbin took this moment to walk along the sea water. The sun was setting, the pinks and oranges painted the sky.

"I'm really glad we adopted him" Felix said.

"Me too, I know we were worried about him being a bit timid around us because he was 6. But I think he is really comfortable with us" Changbin replied, intertwining his fingers with Felix's.

"Mmm" Felix said in agreement. Things got silent and peaceful.

"Oh no I think I dropped my earring in the water!" Felix said and bent down and reached into the water. Changbin bent down to look as well.

"OH I THINK I FOUND IT!" Felix said pulling his hand out of the water. Instead of pulling out and earring from the water, Changbin got a small handful of water to the face.

Changbin stood there with his mouth slightly agape. Felix started to giggle. Running away as fast as he could when he saw Changbin dip his hand down into the water.

"You are so dead baby" Changbin said and started to chase after Felix on the sand. Changbin easily caught up with Felix. Not realizing the amount of force his momentum gave him, when he grabbed Felix is was a full on tackle.

They fell to the ground, Changbin landing on top for Felix who was in a fit of giggles. The golden hour sun beautifully reflecting off the boys faces. Felix's freckles shone beautifully.

"You are so pretty" Changbin complemented Felix.

"And your hair is dripping on my face" Felix said laughing and slicking the hair back on him head.

"Oh shut up it's your fault"

"Make me" Felix said under his breath. Changbin caught it and leaned down to kiss the freckled boy. After a couple minutes they pulled away.

"After all these years, you still get flusteredwhen we kiss" Changbin said teasingly and kissed him on his nose. He got off of Felix and started walking back to chan and their son. Felix quickly stood up and linked his arms with his husband.

They watched as chan played with their son.

"I wonder how the members are doing back in Korea..." Changbin said, a bit sadly.

"I miss them too. Australia is my home town, but without them it doesn't feel quite right" Felix said.

"Don't get all sappy on us now, we just got here" Hyunjin said from behind them. They both quickly turned their heads. The rest of the members were with Hyunjin.

"I missed you guys so much" Felix said scrambling to his feet to give the members a group hug. Felix turned to his son and Chris.

"Look who's here guys!" Felix yelled. Both turned their heads and started running over to the members.

This was Christophers first time meeting them in person. He has talked over face time but meeting them all together in person was a first.

Overwhelmed by the amount of new faces he clung to Felix's leg.

"Hi Christopher~ I'm Jisung" Han said crouching down to say hi on his level.

"hi" Christopher said timidity. Han's face brightened into a large smile, making Christopher smile too.

As the darkness of the night encapsulated the beach everyone packed up and went to Changbin and Felix's house.

"Good night guys, we will see you tomorrow morning" Felix said as they escorted the members to the front door.

"Wait, before we leave I want to ask Christopher a question~" Hyunjin said. "Who is your favourite out of all of us?" Hyunjin said, Christopher took a good scan of the boys.

"Daddy and Appa!" Christopher said after much thought. Felix ruffled his hair.

"Ok bed time. By guys~" Changbin said shooing them out of the house as it was quite late and Christopher needed to get to bed.

"Bye!" The guys said in unison.

If you asked me what I just wrote about I wouldn't be able to tell you. I think I just blanked while writing some of this. So if it doesn't make any sense that's cuz I didn't check this over at all :)

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