Minsung Pt.1

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Han x Leeknow
Valentine's Day Angst special happy ending tho I promise.
For the single sad and beautiful people who like reading sad stuff to make them more sad 🤭
Going to be in 2 parts I think
3 Years after Straykids disbanded.

Minho POV:

We have all stayed pretty close friends. Han and I spend a lot of our free time together. A couple of the others have gotten girlfriends or boyfriends.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Han and I made plans for him to come over and we will just watch a movie and eat snacks because we both don't have a significant other. It's become an annual thing. When we were still Stray kids Hyunjin and Felix would hang out with us too but now, it's just us.

And I like it. I love spending time with Jisung. Since I can remember, he has been there for me. Through all the roughest times. And even now he is still here for me. And since I can remember, I have had a huge crush on him.

I don't think I can even call it a crush anymore. I love him. Every time I am flirty with him and cuddly he always responds with the same energy. So, I will be asking him to be my valentine tomorrow!

The next day (Valentines day)

*knock knock knock*

"COMING" Minho shouted as he ran to get the door.

"Happy Valentine's Day hyung!" Jisung said, and greeted him with a hug.

"Happy valentines" Minho replied. "Come in! I have all the blankets and snacks prepared by the couch!"

Once he took of his shoes and put his bag away he joined Minho on the couch. The two of them already cuddling.

Howls Moving Castle was already up on the TV. It's the tradition.

The boys were completely intertwined on the couch. Jisung laying on top of Minho. Minho had his arms around Ji.

As the movie came to an end the boys slowly sat up.

"I don't know how many times I've watched that but I feel like it gets better with every watch!" Jisung said, standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

"Ji" Minho said slowly standing up and walking over to Jisung.

"Yes hyung?" Jisung said, turning around with a soft smile on his face.

"Will you be my valentine?" Minho said. Excited but still timid.

"You're so silly hyung" Jisung said with a chuckle and turned back to the kitchen.

"I'm being serious Jisung" Minho said, tears starting to build in his eyes. 

Han turned around just in time to see the first tear fall.

"Minho, you're gay?" Jisung said surprised. Minho gave a small nod. Jisungs face dropped "That's disgusting" He said and turned away.

The tears continued to pour from Minhos eyes. Not only did he get rejected by the person he loves. He also called him disgusting. Minho felt like dying. His whole world shattered around him.

Minho's legs gave out from under him and he fell to his knees. Leaving a loud thump to echo through the now quiet appartement.

Jisung's POV:

'Why did I just say that. That's not what I meant. Fuck fuck fuck. What the hell is wrong with you Jisung. You just told the man that you love he's disgusting. YOU ARE ALSO IN LOVE WITH HIM YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS'

All the thoughts in his head swirled. He heard the thump come from the living room and ran out to see a paralyzed Minho. Frozen on the ground looking at nothing. Tears flowing down his face. His aura was nothing less than a cry for help.

All Jisung wanted to do was run up to him, hug him kiss him, tell him he loves him. But after what Jisung just did to the man he loves the most he couldn't bring himself to get closer and hurt him more.

Jisung turned and walked out the door.

As soon as he got out of the appartement he pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

"Felix" He said with him voice breaking as tears started pouring down his face. "I just royalty screwed up with Minho and now he's he's he's"

"Han, deep breath's please I can't understand what you are saying if you don't take a moment and calm down" Felix said in a warm tone. Jisung got it together enough to tell the story.

"Should I send Hyunjin to go check on Minho?" Felix asked. Felix and Hyunjin are currently dating and are just chilling at home for valentines.

"Yes. Please. I left him in such a bad place idk what he will do. I don't want him to hurt himself" Jisung said getting rushed and crying more again.

"He's on his way right now Ji. I'm putting on my shoes and I'm gonna come over to your house ok?" Felix said.

They all lived fairly close. It would only take Hyunjin about 2 minutes if he ran to get to Minhos. And it's a quick 7 minute walk to get to Hans.

"Ok. Thank you so much Felix" Han said. Digging in his pocket to find his keys for his appartement.

"Minho will be ok Ji. Hyunjin has a spare key to his. Don't work ok. I'll see you soon" Felix said and hung up the phone.

"Minho?" *knock knock knock* I'm coming in ok? Hyunjin said at Minhos door.

Hyunjin opened the door to see Minho still on the ground the way Felix described it. Silent tears still running down his face.

"Hey, it's going to be ok. I'm here for you" Hyunjin said, rushing over to his side and pulling him into a hug. Every muscle in Minho's body relaxed into his arms. As he started shaking and sobbing 

"Let's get you off the ground ok?" Hyunjin said petting Minhos hair and getting into a position where he could pick up Minho.

Hyunjin bridal carried him into his bed and layer him down. Hyunjin took off his jacket and got into bed with Minho. Just holding him and telling him it was ok till Minho eventually cried himself to sleep.

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