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Fluff and a small bit of angst.
Jeongchan - main ship
Jeonglix - broken ship

"CHANIE CHANIE LOOK WHAT I MADE FOR YOU" Jeongin said bouncing into Chans room.

"Jeongin please I'm trying to work" Chan said looking at his laptop and rubbing his temples.

"I know you've been stressed lately and JYP has been on our backs a lot so you have been busy, but I made this cake for you because I thought you would enjoy it!" He said, looking down at the small cute cake Jeongin made for Chan, with help from Felix of course.

"JEONGIN! What part of I'm trying to work don't you understand!" Chan yelled spinning around in his chair, looking at Jeongin, trying to get his point across.

Chan has really been feeling the pressure from JYP and he needs it to be perfect so he doesn't let down his members either. Everything Chan does is for the kids. He puts his heart and soul into the production of the songs because he knows how much the members depend on him and trust him.

When Chan spun in his chair he hadn't realized how close Jeongin was.


'Oh god pls don't be what I think that was' is all that was going through Chans head. He looked to the ground to see a beautiful cake completely smushed. He looked up to see Jeongin's eyes brimming with tears.

"Innie I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's ok... you made your point clear. I'll leave you alone now." Jeongin said as he spun on his heal and fled the room as fast as possible.

"Shit" Said Chan looking down at the cake and resting his head on his hands. Flashbacks of a week ago fled into his mind once his eyes were closed.

Chans pov,
A week ago:

"I'm gonna go get some coffee from down the street does anyone want anything?" I said loudly so everyone in the dorm could hear me. Everyone asked for something so Jeongin volunteered to go with me and help me carry everyone's orders back. It wasn't far but who was I to stop him.

Felix might have been the groups sunshine but Jeongin was mine.

About halfway there Jeongin stopped walking. There weren't many people around.

"What's wrong Innie?" I said turning to face him. I grabbed his hands and held them close to me.

Quickly Jeongin landed a peck on my cheek then kept walking, leaving me stunned behind.

We hadn't talked about that. I was too flustered to bring it up again and Jeongin just pretended it didn't happen.

No one's pov,
Back to the present:

"Soooo~ how'd it go! Did Channie like the cak-" Felix said, hearing Jeongin enter the room. "Oh no baby what happened" He sprinted over to hug the weeping boy. Felix was the only person who knew about Jeongin's crush on Chan. Being roommates brought a lot of late night talks. Chan being the subject of many.

The cake Jeongin and Felix made for Chan was a part of his plan to confess to Chan.

As Jeongin's breathing slowly got steadier he went on to explain what happened.

"Did I do something wrong Lix" Jeongin said, looking up at Felix with glossy red eyes. They had moved to sitting on Felix's bed.

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