Minsung Pt.2

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At Jisungs appartement.

"How do I fix this Felix. I fucked up so bad. He's going to hate me forever. What I did is unforgivable" Jisung said. Felix and him were now sitting on his bed. Ji's head rested in his hands as tears fell from his eyes and collected on the tip of his nose before falling into his lap.

"Jisung. You fucked up big time" Felix said. Jisung picked his head up so he could look at Felix and give him a look of, 'Yeah I know and?'  "Buuuttt. He won't hate you forever. Minho feeling are too strong to just switch to hatred that fast. You just need to mend the relationship soon" Felix said trying to comfort Jisung but not make his feel like this wasn't his fault.

"You didn't see him Lix. He looked so. So, broken. I felt so bad. BUT I JUST LEFT. WHAT KIND OF MONSTER DOES THAT TO SOMEONE" Jisung said getting louder and mad at himself starting to grip his hair. "I'm a fucking monster" He said, sounding defeated. Tears poured out of his eyes as his body started to shake.

"You're not a monster Ji. Your parents ingrained it into you that homosexual relationships were wrong. You probably internalized that so much that it effected how you felt about your own feelings. You have always been supportive of others. But as soon as they are your own feeling you shut down" Felix said, wrapping his arms around Jisung.

"Take the night and tomorrow to mull over everything. Play through the situation of going and talking to Minho to apologize. Figure out the things that he likes and really try to win him over. But also. You need to be emotionally open with him. Ok?" Felix said. Slowly rubbing his back.

"Thank you Lix" Jisung said. "Will you stay the night? I don't think I can be alone right now"

"Of course Ji. I got a text from Hyunjin. He was still on the floor when he got there. He's asleep already" Felix said, scanning for a reaction on Jisungs face. He looked slightly relieved and got up to get changed into pjs.

Once the two of them changed they got into Jisungs bed and cuddled. Felix fell asleep fast. But Jisung stayed up for another hour or so. Trying to figure out what to do next.

Jisung woke to an empty bed.

"Felix?" He called through his appartement, slowly walking out of his room.

"I'm in the kitchen! I made you breakfast" Felix replied. As Jisung got closer to the kitchen the smell of pancakes bacon and eggs filled his lungs.

"Thank you Lix. What would I do with out you" Jisung said. Wrapping Felix in a back hug.

"I know. I'm the best" Felix said sarcastically. "Here. You can go sit at the table I'll join you in a second" He said while handing Jisung his plate.

"So I talked to Hyunjin this morning and he said that Minho was doing not great. Better than last night but still, crushed" Felix said to Jisung. "So we are going to go over around 2. I'll drop you off and then go home with Hyunjin. We will give you your space to make it right with him"

As Felix said this han got more anxious. He still didn't know the perfect order of words to get Minho to forgive him.

Back at Minho's place.

"Good morning Minho" Hyunjin said, walking into the bedroom with a smoothie in his hand. The puffy eyed Minho rolled over slowly and sat up.

"Thank you Hyunjin" Minho said. Taking the smoothie from him.

"You're welcome. It's 1.20pm right now. I need to get going in like 30 minutes but I just want to make sure you are taking care of yourself. So how about you finish that and then go through the shower and then come out to the living room. We can watch some YouTube or something" Hyunjin said, trying to give Minho a warm smile. He only nodded his head in response and slowly got out of bed and headed to the shower.

Minho went through the shower quickly, no thought went through his head. He had completely shut off.

Once changed he trudged out to the living room with a small towel on his head, rubbing his hair dry.

Him and Hyunjin sat and watched some random YouTube for about 20 minutes before Hyunjin left. Minho stayed at the tv, mindlessly watching.

Hyunjin left the appartement after saying goodbye. Once out in the hall way, he talked with Han and Felix for a second before the left Han to knock on the door.

*knock knock knock*
He heard some shuffling from inside.

"Did you forget something Hyunj-" Minho opened the door, thinking he was letting Hyunjin back in.

"Jisung" Minho said shocked. Holding back tears and keeping an unfazed expression.

"Minho, I. I don't even know where to begin this apology. Can I come in?" Jisung said trying not to cry with every word. Minho just stepped aside so Jisung could get it.

He took a seat on the couch and waited for Minho to sit down with him.

"I want to start with just saying how sorry I am. You are my best friend and I never wanted to hurt you. I was so incredibly wrong for saying what I did and I will never repeat those mistakes. You confessed and thoughts of my parents filled my head and polluted my better judgment" Jisung said. Tears starting to fall but voice unwavering. "If I could go back to last night I would do everything differently. I would have already had a bouquet of roses ready to pull out from behind me. And I would have gotten down on one knee and asked you to be my valentine" As Jisung said this he did it.

On one knee hand out holding a beautiful bouquet of roses. Head down unable to look at Minho's expression scared of what he might do. Tears pouring down his face, sniffling.

"Jisung" Minho said with a breaking voice. "I thought you hated me. I prayed for you to turn around and run back to hug me last night. But you never did"

Jisung looked up from the ground.

"So no, I won't be your Valentine. I think I need some time Jisung" Minho said tears falling. He took the bouquet out of Jisungs hands and helped him stand up and sit back on the couch. Gently placing the flowers on the table. "Let's try again next valentines ok? I still want to be friends but I think we just need to restart. And when we start a relationship I think it should be on a better note. I don't want it to change from how it was between the two of us before. But we should just hold off on the romance" Minho said. Surprising Jisung with his level head. Minho held Jisungs face and wiped away the tears.

"I'm so sorry Minho. I really fucked up didn't I" Jisung said, falling into Minhos embrace.

"Yeah. And somehow my heart still loves you" Minho replied with a sigh and just petted Jisung's hair as he wept into his chest. Slow tears rolled down Minho face.

Hi. Tbh I'm not sure if I'll write the time skip to this but they do get together in the end ok I promise 😭

Part 3 is a maybe. Give me like 2 months 💀

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