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Yumi's POV

"I love you."

There you are again with your sweet lies.

I stopped. No, everything around me stopped. Time stopped, the air that flows through my hair stopped. Except my heart, it continued beating, with its speed increasing as I fell deeper into your eyes. Like a black hole. I searched for a reason, a sign, and a purpose for why you've said that to me.

But your eyes, it was a black hole. It was unreadable, along with its contents that are unknown. And if I get sucked in deeper into it, I'll be on the losing end and you'll be the winning one. Because your eyes, just like the black hole, holds a strong gravity that even I can't handle. Your eyes will destroy me by luring me into your singularity, trapping me.

Meaning, even though I want to know what purpose I hold for you.. I'd lose everything I built again, leaving me torn apart as I try to desperately put the pieces back together, with tears of blood coming out of my eyes; as there was no tears left for me to cry. Just because you lured me in and grabbed everything from me. My dignity, my strength, and most importantly the love and time I had for myself.

You're the one that built me, and you'll be the one that will also destroy me. Like the building process, it'll be slow . But unlike the building process, it'll be painful.

"I love you" who knew such sweet words could be so dangerous? Who knew that making Hwang Hyunjin fall in love with you, could be so dangerous?

With a breathy voice, I asked, "More than her?" you nodded. But you hesitated.

If you truly loved me for me, you'd answer without hesitation. You'd answer as fast as the beat of my heart, that is beating solely for you.

And if you loved me truly, words will come out of your mouth instead of a simple nod in response to my question.

"I don't believe you." I said, shaking my head. "I love you. I love you I love you I love you." you repeated those three words many times, but no matter how many times you repeated it… I can't bring myself to believe you.

It was merely words to you, but for me it held meaning. It held a meaning that not even a one hundred thousand words would be enough to describe, because it will be lacking, like your love for me ever was.

Because a part of your love is shared with another. It's not entirely mine.

You leaned in and kissed away my tears. It brought a slight smile to my face. "I wish I could believe you." I chuckled. "Please believe me." You replied.

I looked at you fondly, oh how magnificent you looked under the moonlight. The way the light that comes from the moon kisses your skin, just like how you kissed my tears away, oh I can't get enough of that. I caressed your cheek and watched as you gave in to the touch.

"Hyunjin." I called.


"Answer my question truthfully, okay?"

"Sure, my love. Ask away."

"Did you ever wish I was her?"

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