5 - <twin flame>

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Third Person's POV

Hyunjin was confused as to why Yumi was lurking around in his company. He tried asking one of his staff about her and tried to describe her the best way possible, but he's just bad at it. At the end he couldn't find out why Yumi was wandering around in his building.

He flopped down his chair with a sigh. His train of thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the wooden door opening. It revealed his identical twin sister, Yeji. Hyunjin gave her a glare, he raised an eyebrow, "Weren't you told to knock many times before?" he asked.

Yeji chuckled, "Was I? Sorry then." she welcomed herself by sitting on one of the set of indigo coloured couch in Hyunjin's office. There was a moment of silence that passed by them before Yeji spoke first, breaking the silence, "Father... Won't be very please by you and Nari's decision."

"He was never even proud nor happy for me. No matter what I do he always disapproves of it. Even after being the most high end selling skin care brand in the whole of South Korea, he never once told me 'I'm proud of you'. I'm used to it Yeji."

"Don't. You should not get used to it." Yeji said with a frown. "He trained me to get used to it Yeji." Yeji's eyes glistened in the sun, tears started to well up her eyes. This made Hyunjin want to cry too. The past few days has been tough for the twins, when their parents found out about the divorce they were enraged.

Hyunjin went towards Yeji and gave her a warm hug, tears sled down on Yeji's rosy cheeks, and as if on cue Hyunjin's tears fell with her's at the same time. "I don't want to see you take all the burden all by yourself anymore! I can't continue seeing you like that! You only had alcohol to cope with all your problems. It saddens me that you had to have a dangerous way of coping because of all of this shit! If you just.... Let me be the one to get married off back then... Then you wouldn't have to go through all this pain!"

Hyunjin hugged her even more tightly as she cries in his arms. "I covered it up to protect you... I wanted you to know and learn true love with someone you're truly fated with, not a stranger you haven't even met once in your life. And because I am your big brother, I ought to protect you." he said as he patted her back in attempt to calm her down.

"But you... Haven't learned about true love because of it, and it ruined your life too! You always take all the pain, please... Enough of it. Promise me this is the last time you'll bottle it all up."

"I promise."

"Keep your promise this time, will you?" Hyunjin nodded, wiping away the last few tears that went down his cheeks with a smile.


Now, the twins are playing uno. Hyunjin's screaming can be heard from a distance along with Yeji's evil laugh echoing in the hallways. Hyunjin's sad emotions are now replaced with anger real quick. Yeji was winning and he didn't like that.

"Now, pick up four." Yeji said, placing down a card with four colors and a plus four at two corners. This action earned a death glare from Hyunjin. "I WAS ABOUT TO GO UNO! WHAT THE F*CK?" He was fighting the urge to turn the table upside down at the moment.

He picked up four more cards against his will. Yeji has two cards now, he's clearly in the losing side, but he shall not lose hope in himself. "I choose green." Yeji has put down a green skip card "UNO" she said whilst putting down another number 2 green card. Hyunjin couldn't fight the urge anymore and turned the table upside down which caused the cards to fly away.

Yeji's evil laugh grew louder, "Since you're the loser in this round AGAIN, you clean up your own mess." she said whilst sticking out her tongue. Hyunjin glared at him but couldn't bring himself to protest.

Hyunjin was about to clean up the mess not until he heard the door click open, both the twins' heads turned towards the source of the sound. It was Hyunjin's personal secretary. "Sir! Oh, Ms. Hwang you're here too. I am here to inform the both of you that the meeting with Mr. Ju from iKing Inc. will start in five minutes. Mr. Ju is growing impatient so I advise you both to hurry."

"I see, is that all?" Hyunjin asked, fixing his slightly crumpled clothe. "That is all sir." the secretary said and bowed as he exits. Yeji turned her head towards her brother, "Have you secured the deal with Mr. Ju already?" she asked. "Well, this meeting is solely for that purpose. We're signing a contract with them today." Hyunjin answered as he went to the mirror in the room.

Yeji grabbed Hyunjin's tie that is laid down messily on his office chair, she went towards Hyunjin and tried to put it on him. "Hm, I'm debating whether to choke you to death with this or not." Yeji said with a smile but managed to neatly tie it around Hyunjin's neck, under his polo collar.

"If you're willing to spend your entire lifetime in prison then go on." Hyunjin said while putting on his tuxedo that he grabbed from his coat rack. "Let's go, Mr. Ju has an immeasurable temper."

Yeji touched up her make up a little bit on the way there. And once the twins' entered, everyone's attention were on both of them, they all bowed in unison towards the powerful duo. Hyunjin sat down on his usual seat also known as 'the boss seat' that's what he usually calls it. Yeji sat on the seat, right to Hyunjin.

The meeting was the usual. They discussed about the terms and conditions of the contract, and both parties thought hard whether or not those terms will be preferable for either of them. It all worked out in the end, and both companies managed to get each other's signature signed on the high quality paper containing the contract.

"Meeting adjourned."

Everyone in the room walked out one by one. "I need to go now big brother, I have some papers to review. We have new staff applications in pending, and I'm in charge of approving some of them. It was fun playing uno with you and I'm glad we finally sealed the deal with iKing Inc. See you later Hwang No. 1" and with that, Yeji walked out along with the other staff members.

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