3 - <Lee Nari>

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Yumi's POV

I walked up to the door and greeted Nari with a hug. I heard a door click, probably Hyunjin entering the bar room again. "So, where did you go? I went here cause I thought you were here." before Nari answered my question, she took a sniff from my clothes.

"I went to the company, I was needed there unexpectedly. And why... Do you smell like Hyunjin's favourite wine? And.. *she took a sniff once again* Hyunjin's signature imported coffee?" she looked up to me with wondering eyes, expecting an answer from me.

"Oh he made me coffee, and I don't know about the wine one. But he said he drank wine today.." I answered. I feel like I did something very illegal... I mean after all, they're still technically married because the divorce is still processing. "He made you coffee? That's weird..." Nari said, but just shrugged it away and took off her sandals.

However, it left me confused though. "Wait why is it weird?" she just turned her heard to me and gave me a wink, "Secret." she said chuckling. She entered the living room and immediately flopped on the couch. "Ugh, it's been busier in the office. If I'm THIS busy then Haechan is probably pulling all nighters here and there." she complained.

Their company is getting more and more successful, so I kind of understand why they're getting more busy, and they're recently hiring more staff. I sat beside her, and I couldn't help but look at her diamond ring because it was shining so brightly as it hit my eyes.

I sighed, "I wonder what that ring costs. You can sell it after the divorce and boom! More money!" Nari laughed at my statement. "Yeah it's around... Hundred thousands? I don't know, my father in law brought this for me." her father in law was the one who chose that?! I was confused once again so I asked, "Isn't Hyunjin supposed to be the one choosing that though? Why is the father involved? Is he the one marrying you?"

Nari laughed, loud enough to get through four walls. I looked at her with a poker face. I'm being serious about what I said and here she is treating me like a damn circus clown! "Are you done?" I asked her because she still won't stop laughing. "Sorry sorry, I thought you knew."

"Bitch, KNOW WHAT EXACTLY?! Come on, I just came back here like 3 days ago! I don't know shit Nari! That's why I hang out with you more often to catch up. Aigoo Lee Nari." I rubbed my fingers on my temple, clearly stressed by this girl's stupidity.

She leaned in to me and whispered, "It was a marriage of convenience. It's arranged dumbass!" she whisper shouted at the last part. She pulled away from me with a smile. My jaw fell to the ground. Now this is something gossip magazine worthy!

"For real?!" I whisper shouted at her, she nodded. My hand flew to my mouth, I tried holding back my laugh.. But eventually I couldn't hold back anymore and now I'm a laughing mess! Nari chuckled while letting me take my time to laugh.

"That's one of the dumbest and boomer-est shit I've heard today! Like what are we? Medieval era? Bitch we live in the 21st century! Who even does that nowadays!" I said without a halt. "My parents apparently." Nari shrugged, as if it's nothing to her.

But I've known this bitch for half of my life! I know she's still hurting deep inside. "Hey, I just wanna wish you a best of luck in the path ahead of you Nari. Going through a divorce is tough no matter what kind of marriage you went through. So please don't treat this as an ending, treat this as a next chapter in your life. Destiny plays many games. And maybe this time, he wasn't for you, and you aren't for him neither. And that's OKAY!"

I comforted, but at the ending I slapped her back to give her a reality shock. "Ouch! And yes thank you... Best of luck to you too. You're now a world renowned fashion designer." Nari said while smiling at me. I reciprocated the smile.

Nari's smile faded. "Wait I have a gut feeling hit me for a second." she said and climbed up the stairs towards her bedroom. "Hey! Wait for me Nari-yah!" I said, speed running through the stairs. I entered her room and saw her open her laptop, and she clicked on this application called overwatch?

She logged in and checked something. "Why the fuck is Hyuck online in overwatch!" she swore before opening cacatalk on her phone, she chatted a contact named "dingus sunfull 🐻" which I assume is Haechan. And since I'm a nosy bitch, I read their conversation.

-start of conversation-

beloved Nari 💗:

[Why the fuck aren't you working? We're literally understaffed at the moment. I hope you go on a lose streak in overwatch, disrespectfully.]
seen by dingus sunfull 🐻 12:04 pm

dingus sunfull 🐻:

[CAN'T I HAVE LUNCH BREAKS?! We need a balanced work and life lifestyle Nari. And please don't curse the lose streak upon me.]
seen by beloved Nari 💗 12:05 pm

beloved Nari 💗:

[Is playing overwatch a LUNCH break?]
seen by dingus sunfull 🐻 12:05 pm

dingus sunfull 🐻:

[I can multitask obviously. And Johnny hyung invited me! Who am I to decline?]
seen by beloved Nari 💗 12:06 pm

beloved Nari 💗:

[go suck on a lego.]
sent 12:06 pm

-end of conversation-

I chuckled at their sibling rivalry within the short conversation. "That was Haechan right? Haechan means fullsun. I remember that your grandfather gave that nickname to him? It's honestly so cute though!" I asked, the nickname Haechan was pleasant to the ears honestly.

"Yup. Want to go anywhere? I feel bad for making you wait.." she asked. But a few seconds later her phone rang. The caller ID was "dingus sunfull 🐻"

I chuckled, "Answer that first."

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